12 - The Bear and the Bow

Start from the beginning

Mr Gold drove Belle and him to the town line, "Rumpel? What

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Mr Gold drove Belle and him to the town line, "Rumpel? What... Where are we going?" Belle asked.

"The only place we'll be safe from Alana and her quivered friend," Mr Gold said.

"Wait. You're taking us out of Storybrooke... What about your children?!" Belle asked.

Mr Gold held up a small pouch, "This is anti-transformation powder. This will keep us safe from any ill effects from crossing the town line and Del and Bae will be better off without me as a father," Mr Gold said.

"No, no, we can't leave, not while there are still people we care about in this town," Belle said.

"Belle, I used to be the Dark One. I know Alana better than she knows herself. She will keep coming till she gets what she wants," Mr Gold said.

"Well, we'll stop her together," Belle said.

"Didn't you see what happened back there?" Mr Gold asked.

"Yeah," Belle said.

"I couldn't even protect you from Merida," Mr Gold said.

"Rumpel, stop the car," Belle said.

"What?" Mr Gold said.

"Now!" Belle yelled and tried opening the door.

Mr Gold stopped the car, "Belle! Belle!" Belle got out of the car and Mr Gold got out of the car, "Belle. Belle. What are you doing? Come back in the car," Mr Gold said.

"No," Belle said as she walked away from the car.

"Please," Mr Gold begged.

"No," Belle turned to him, "You know, running never made anyone a hero, okay?" Belle said.

"Well, don't... Don't you get it? I'm not a hero," Mr Gold said.

"Well, you've been brave before," Belle said.

"When? During the first ogres' war? Let me tell you the truth about that day... I didn't... Cripple myself to get back to my son... I did it because I was scared," Mr Gold said.

"Rumpel..." Belle said.

"I joined the army to prove I wasn't a coward. But when I saw the wounded coming back from the front lines... I don't want to die... I'm a coward, Belle... And that's never gonna change. Please come back in the car, eh? Th... This is the only way I know how to protect you. Come on, come on," Mr Gold said.

"Protect yourself, you mean," Belle said.

"No," Mr Gold said.

"No," Belle said and walked away.

"Belle... Belle!" Mr Gold called out as Belle continued to walk towards the town as Mr Gold got back in his car, he looked at the sign Leaving Storybrooke.

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