Chapter 107 - Dark Addiction

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Leph tried to hide it, but Alexander saw that disgusting glint of hope in her eyes. "What?" she asked. "Owen's alive?"

"And Aster turned him into nothing but an edible fruit." Alexander snarled at Leph. "And then left him to the rest of his team instead of bringing him back. I lost my best opportunity at taking that stubborn flame here for good, all because you sabotaged the mission."

"Sabotaged?" Leph stood on her bed and hopped down. "How would I have known Owen was alive?"

Alexander flared his wings again, but this time Leph didn't back down. He drifted closer, but Leph didn't even step back.

"Well, what are you going to do next? Why are you in my room?" Leph tapped her hoof on the ground, making an ethereal ringing noise. "I was ready to take a nap."

"Do not take this lightly," Alexander rumbled, feeling his anger tipping again. He was here to blow off some steam. And this... this insolence. Why? She was supposed to be cowering, showing respect.

"I won't," Leph said, then gave a respectful bow. She had no fear. He couldn't sense any. He was hungry for it. Starved. Ravenous.

"What are you doing?" Alexander growled.

"Whatever do you mean?" Leph asked, her near-featureless face staring at him.

"You aren't taking this seriously." Alexander's mouths leaked a bit of dark haze.

"Are you going to send me to see Owen next?" Leph asked. "Because if not, I want to get some sleep."

"How dare you disrespect me." Alexander rose higher, so much that Leph had to tilt her head. He was smaller, but she was weaker, and they both knew it. She'd better know it.

"I would never," Leph replied, closing her eyes. "You are the Void King, true ruler of the Voidlands and the rightful heir, by might alone, to its full powers." She turned around, stepping toward her bed. "For now."

Defiance. Did she just—did she just—do that? Why? Since when did she have the gall to—

Before Alexander could stop himself, he shot toward her and loomed over her shoulder. "What was that?" he spat, black smog sticking to the back of her neck.

"I said"—she coolly turned her head back—"for now."

That throbbing, seething anger was back and stronger than ever. Darkness wormed its way into the corners of his vision.

"You should be more careful if you want to keep your power," Leph went on, like she could save face. "I wouldn't want to see you fall because a light source is out of your control."

Like she was trying to be helpful.

Leph continued, "If you want me to help, I can, if you'd trust me."

He knew what she meant. That slip-up when she'd felt emboldened. She was hoping that Owen would be coming for her. That was it, wasn't it?

The Creator's daughter took another step away. "So, that's all I meant."

For just a second, he sensed a flash of fear from her, and that was his tipping point. He needed more.

The left diminutive head clamped down on the back of her neck and she froze.

"What are you doing?" she asked, her voice stiff and composed, but by now her fear was growing.

"Do you really think"—Alexander squeezed harder and she winced, but refused to crouch—"I'll allow you to say something like that to me?"

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