Chapter 134 - Incompatible

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The cell doors opened.

"Well," Qitlan said, gently closing the door behind him. He curled his fingers together, tenting them in a mock-prayer. "I believe you saw all of that?"

In front of the Inteleon was a Mew, bruised and chained to the wall. A specialized metal band strapped around her forehead subdued any psionic powers. Qitlan had made sure of that.

"You could have been saved for a month, a whole month." Qitlan sighed and made a show of his shrug. "One whole month, but Owen decided you were expendable. That's really how it is, you know. That's what he thought of you."

No reply. As usual. The Mew only stared vacantly downward, mouth slightly agape. But Qitlan knew she was listening with the little twitch of her tail.

"There's no point in protecting him. He isn't bothering to protect you. And he's been captured. If you turn first, then you will surely be rewarded."

Yet, no reply.

Qitlan narrowed his eyes, but then looked behind him. Surely their visitor would be arriving soon...

"This will all be over if you just tell us what you know," Qitlan said. "What is the key to resetting Owen? You know the aura signature. We know that's what was done. Show it to us, and you will be released."

It was so frustratingly close. They knew that over the centuries, Owen had been reset over and over, and it was always with some strange aura that could bring him back to an innocent, naïve Charmander. That strange mutation he'd gone through had implanted that backdoor into his very aura.

If they could reset him in that same way, they could convince him that Alexander had always been his father. Oh, how perfect, too, because of course, his father all that time had been an Alex as well. The memories would write themselves!

But none of that would work unless they were shown the required aura key, and Star had it.

And she somehow had grown enough of a conscience to not give it up.

The cell doors opened again, and in came an Alakazam. Qitlan noticed how Star tensed a little when he entered.

"Oh? Bad experiences with Alakazam?" he said.

The Alakazam was gruff and spoke with a low voice, looking annoyed. "Why specifically me?" he questioned. "...Sir."

"She knew an Alakazam in the living world. Perhaps she would be more vulnerable to mental invasions. And, of course, you are one of our best... psionic interrogators. Don't you think, Star?"

No reply, of course.

"...Break her," Qitlan instructed, his words like ice. "She talks, or her mind becomes pudding. One way or the other, we will extract that knowledge. Owen is here. The time for going gently is over."

Alakazam seemed hesitant at first, glancing at Qitlan.

"Well?" Qitlan said.

"This is... against several of my codes." But the words were feeble, and Qitlan knew he would not object in any practical, meaningful way. "And it is dangerous, too. Not just for her, but it risks recoil on myself, as well."

"She has been fatigued for months. You will be fine," Qitlan dismissed. "Begin."

Qitlan stood to the side and took a seat on a nearby stool, watching Star continue to be motionless and Alakazam getting set up. He stood before her ominously, but she still made no eye contact, staring emptily downward. There was a guilty look in Alakazam's eyes. One that, if it persisted, Qitlan would be sure to remind him that Alexander would have his head if he refused.

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