Planning - Chapter 13

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happy beginning of passover! (it started yesterday)

anyways no clue what to write and also this chapter will most likely be short... sorry again

anyways the au was created by mads_create and i don't own MHA or TPN!


"Norman?" I asked. "Yea, my named Norman! Whats yours?" He asked. "I'm surprised you don't recognize me Norm, It's Izuku, one of your older siblings." I said. "Izuku?" He asked. "Yea it's me," I said pulling my shirt part covering my neck to reveal my numbers, 13845. "So.... It really is you...." The stranger looked him in the face. "Great to see you again Izuku...."


Eventually Bakugo started yelling and wondering what tf was happening, because to his knowledge was the he couldn't kill a demon and then some 12 year old just stopped him.

He wasn't having fun.

But on the other hand Izuku was ecstatic! He was so happy to be with his family again. Same with Emma and Ray too, they had missed him....


"I know I want to keep this going for a while but we can't, we have to figure out a plan to save Phil and the others," Emma stated. "Well.... What we could do is that we just leave them?" Ray asked. "RAY!" "I was joking.... kind of....." "What about you Izuku, do you have a plan in mind?" "Well I was just thinking about how....." "And now he's rambling." Ray sighed. Norman laughed, "The same as always..... He really didn't change." "No he really didn't..." Emma smiled. "Ah! Sorry I have been rambling...." I apologized, "Anyways what I was trying to say was that what we could do was use Emma's quirk to get into an 'orphanage', to talk to Phil, than we can spread news from there, and every night we attack a new orphanage to get everyone back? It might be risky but it has a high chance of working still...." I explained. "Right but... What's a quirk?" Norman asked. "Oh! We forgot to explain! In Izukus world people have these powers and there called quirks!" Emma explained. "But 20% of the population doesn't have a quirk! Lucky enough all 4 of us have a quirk!" Emma explained. "Tch. Whatever can we just finish this quickly I wanna get back home soon." Bakugo stated. "Well I mean maybe we should head to sleep soon, start off the next day with a great sleep could help us!" Emma exclaimed. Everyone seemed to agree with her, expect for Bakugo but no one really cared all that much.

"Oh! And one last thing Norman! If you, Ray and Emma where planning to go to, well, I guess 'my world', why didn't you come with?" I asked



Date: 3/28/21 Words: 466

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