"E-emma...? R-ray...?" - Chapter 4

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At first I didn't know how to react. I mean as soon as I went to explain my numbers a portal opened up. I wasn't quite sure why a portal was here but I immediately jumped up into action, the others following suit. We may have not been in our hero suits that didn't matter.

We were hero's out of our suits too.

Everyone was waiting for something to happen, expecting the league of villains to come out, but nothing happened.... Something about that portal seemed familiar to me but I just couldn't place my finger on it.... I was anxious and most likely mumbling whilest getting prepared to be ready for anything Principle Nezu and Allmight walked up infront to everyone. "Calm down pro hero's it's your Principle Nezu and Allmight! The former no.1 hero please remain calm and control your classes make sure no one else comes out here." Principle Nezu shouted. All the pro hero's looked confused as they weren't expecting that response from their Principle but still followed through with his orders and made sure all the kids in their home rooms were safe.

"Sir! Class 1-A class president we where out here before the portal appeared, should we head inside as well?" Iida shouted giving Principle Nezu a salute and standing as straight as possible. I was proud that I gave my position to him as I knew I wouldn't be comfortable at all talking about this. "That would be great please do, but young Midoriya please stay out here we must-" Allmight was soon cut off as Bakugo shouted "OI YOU NERDS AN EXTRA IS COMING THROUGH THE PORTAL SHUT UP!!"


Everyone turned their heads, most were anxious while others where excited to see who or what was coming through the portal. Class 1-A, Allmight, and Principle Nezu all watched as a ginger girl with the numbers 63194 on her neck and black haired boy stepped out of the portal  with the numbers 81194 on his neck.

They were wearing all white clothes and were holding their crossbows out like they expected something to be there. Behind them if you could see there was a group of 10-15 kids nervously waiting to see what was there. Everyone was shocked it wasn't The League of Villains and was some kids, who looked about 3-4 years younger than them.

"*Sigh* I knew it would be more kids Allmight." Principle Nezu said to Allmight, like we weren't there. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!" Bakugo yelled. "I-" The girl said. She looked at the boy next to her.

"He said that whoever met us on this side could help us.... So I think we can trust them." The boy stated. Putting down his crossbow. "I guess.... Hi! My name is-" The girl started stating before being cut off by a certain kid in class 1-A, walking forward. "E-Emma? R-Ray? Is that you?" Everyone turned their heads to see who had asked that question and to their shock.... Izuku Midoryia had asked the question.

"B-Big brother Izu?"

Written: 2/1/21
Edited: 1/16/23
Words: 531

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