UA highschool - Chapter 2

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I sighed to myself, I couldn't be thinking about all this when I have to get to school, especially after winter break! I couldn't wait to see Todoroki-Kun and everyone else! I excitedly put on the makeup on my neck, making sure to check that you couldn't see the numbers though the makeup, as I didn't want to be outed as the only kid from UA with a history of.... Nevermind! I'm sure if anyone knew they would just see me as stronger!


I hadn't noticed how long I had spent putting makeup on that my mom had broken me out of my trance shouting at me from another room, "Izuku!! Sweetie your going to be late for school!!!"


Deku had quickly grabbed everything for school, throwing on his tie and blazer while doing so, worried about being too late, while his adopted mother, Mrs. Inko Midoriya, was laughing.

She hadn't had the heart to tell him that he had very much time before school started, as she had just planned to have a civilized breakfast with her son before he left for school, but her plan soon failed as she saw her son flying into the room, grabbing a granola bar from the cabinet, kissing her check to say goodbye and then leaving in almost 5 seconds.... just to say... she was impressed at his speed....


Deku had gotten to UA so quick that only Iida had been at school.... that's when he had realized his mistake from this morning.... "Good morning Midoriya-kun!" Iida shouted at Izuku, doing his usual chopping air motions. "Hey Iida-kun! How are you today!" Izuku said in his usual voice. "I am quite fine!" Iida replied, "I studied all throughout break, while practicing my quirk! Not taking one moment off from training! We are future hero's, and I am not here to slack off!"

Deku continued talking to Iida until everyone in class started showing up! And soon following their mentor, in his usual sleeping bag.

And so class began as usual Bakugo threading to blow all the "extras" up, Deku being his normal sweet kid, and everyone having a great time since they all missed each other over break!

Everyone was having a great time until their mentor announced that they would go out and train that very instant, a few grumbles were heard among the class, so Mr.Aizawa threw a bomb at them- I mean uh Mr. Aizawa told them to get outside or he would expel the whole class, that finally made everyone start moving and picking up the pace!

Deku was excited to train, he had missed practicing with one for all and studying it! Little did the class know that today that Mr.Aizawa had a surprise for them! A good or bad surprise? That's up to you to decide!

Class 1-A would be able to train with the class 3-A today, as Mr. Aizawa refused to give them a extra day of break and threw them back into training. Everyone in 1-A got paired up with someone randomly in class 3-A. Deku, was paired up with this girl Anouk, who had a water quirk! He had to go through his hero book as he wasn't accustomed to seeing her around a lot! She can control any amount of liquid, and since she was in 3-A, he was a little worried to be dueling with her but he knew he would be fine.

(A/N: Originally there were photos here of her, yeah no I'm not redrawing an old oc for this🫶, 1/16/23)

Or so he thought..... What he hadn't realized is that she was plotting to only use her controlling water part of her quirk, just water. No other liquid. He had managed to win but at the end was soaked in water after the match.... and there was one important detail he had forgotten about... his makeup..... during this morning he had gotten so invested into seeing his friends again and thinking about his reoccurring dream that he had forgotten to put his water proof makeup on his neck.... so if you looked close enough you could see the numbers "13845" on his neck... and unluckily for him the one person he didn't want noticing.... noticed the faint numbers.... "Oi nerd! What the hell are those damn numbers on your neck!"


Written: 1/30/21
Edited: 1/16/23
Words: 750

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