13845 - Chapter 1

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"I can't wait to meet my new family!"

"Yes..... it'll be exciting for you..."

"Why do you seem so sad, Mama?"

"It's nothing dear...."

"Alright if you say so!"

The boy continued skipping along the path telling 'Mama' how excited he was about this new family, wondering if he would have any siblings or not, little did he know that on that very day, that one day he turned 7, a secret would be revealed to him. One that would haunt him forever.

That one night, on July 15th....

Unbeknownst to the little boy.....

That night.....

Would be that worst night of his life.

Midoriya POV:💚🔫🥦

I was awoken by the sound of my alarm going off... Every night, I get that same dream and all it brings back is just bad memories from....

Nevermind I'm away from that place, that awful, awful place.... But why do I keep dreaming about it then.... Nether the less I should still get up and start the day! Who would know what D- I mean Allmight, would think if I missed a day of school!!!

So I set out for the day! First putting on the bare necessities for the UA uniform, the pants and white collared shirt, I hadn't yet buttoned the shirt or put the blazer on top as I had wanted to brush my hair before I did. I walked into my bathroom grabbing my hair brush from the drawer it was hidden in perviously. I brushed my hair silently, thinking about the same I had been for years.

My dream.

The reoccurring that I have been having since I was a kid. I looked at myself in the mirror, and after brushing my hair, I grabbed my concealer and makeup brush. I pulled away my shirt and looked towards my neck in the mirror to see what I was doing and, as I did so, only one thing stared back at me....

What stared back at me?


The numbers "13845" did


Written: 1/27/21
Edited: 1/16/23
Words: 345

His Secret - MHA AND TPN AUWhere stories live. Discover now