Fourth stage would be him learning about Naraka Path, which they could actually do at the same time as the third stage. But she would only teach him the interrogation part of that Path, until he gained more control of the 'King of Hell'.

After gaining enough control she would then teach him the restoration part of that Path. She didn't want him to restore a wound wrongly, or for the 'King of Hell' to backfire on him. To which he understood and nodded in agreement.

Konan then told him that after gaining all that knowledge about Rinnegan, he would then start on the fifth stage which was Asura Path. She made him understand that manipulating and augmenting your own body, needs a lot of knowledge and control. Since the tiniest mistake could ruin his body, or even cause his death to which he gulped in concern.

After that they would then go to Deva Path, where he would learn how to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces with objects and people. He would basically learn how to manipulate the gravity and forces between all things.

She told him that there was a seventh Path which was called the Outer Path, but she would only teach him the theoretical part, as long as he promised that he would never practice it.

When he asked why the only response she would give was that she didn't want to see him die, he could see that she was sad and was holding back tears while talking about the last path.

Izuku just agreed to it as he was hugging her. He promised her that he would never use it without her permission before giving her a stupid but cute smirk, which caused her sad smile to turn happy.

~~~First Stage~~~

It took Izuku a month to master the Anima Path. In the beginning it was hard for Izuku, since he needed to learn how to summon animals without the contract, and without using his own blood for blood sacrifice or hand seals.

This was hard due to him being so used to summoning the original way. The hardest part was visualizing the animals he summoned, since usually he could just summon the animals due to the contracts, but without the contract he needed to visualize them correctly before summoning.

After he summoned his first animal he became shocked. This was due to him being able to see what the animal saw. Konan then explained that Izuku would be able to see everything that the other Rinnegan's saw.

So it took quite some time to get used to seeing through more than two eyes. So after a month he was able to summon any kind of animal he wanted, while also being able to have shared vision with up to twenty other pairs of eyes before gaining a headache.

~~~Second Stage~~~

After that it was now time for Izuku to learn Preta Path. Izuku learned early on that this technique would not work with quirk abilities, this was due to that quirk abilities did not contain Chakra. But Konan still wanted him to learn it, since Izuku would gain a higher control over his Rinnegan.

In the beginning he couldn't absorb any jutsu, which became everyone's entertainment for a while. Since everybody would be shooting their weakest long to mid range jutsu's at him, only for him to be hit by them making him a target dummy for their amusement.

He'd lost count how many times he'd become soaked by a water jutsu, zapped by a lightning jutsu, put on fire by a fire jutsu, etc. But after two weeks or so he got a hold of it, and after another two weeks it became a second nature for him.

During this time Hashirama had noticed that Izuku could also absorb Nature energy, which Konan had kind of forgotten, that Naruto did it in his fight against Nagato. This could have turned out to be very dangerous, since Izuku had no clue how to control natural energy.

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