Chapter 5

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Dai Meng's Pov

I was driving to my office when I heard a little soft snoring.I look over to Xu Jiaqi direction and saw her sleeping cutely.

"Aish....when will you stop looking so cute.You already old than you are before but yet you still the same kid I know."I mumbled to myself as I continue focus on driving.

After a couple of minutes driving I finally pulled up to my office I wake up Xu Jiaqi softly.

"Xiao Huli.Wake up now we're here."I said to her softly.

"Mmm."Xu Jiaqi mumbled as she woke up and scratch her eyes cutely.

"Let's go now so you can finish my work and after that I can show you around."I said to Xu Jiaqi who is still tired.

"Mmm."Xu Jiaqi mumbled to me.

"Here let me get your school bag."I said to her as we got out of my car.

I got her school bag at the back and we got in the elevator.She hold onto my coat that I was wearing.I look at her and found her closing her eyes at me.She must be so tired I guess.

"Xiao Huli are you really tired?"I ask her.

"Yeah the running really made me tired."She said as she yawn.I pulled her closer to me.

After a couple of second we got to the floor where was my office.

"Xiao Huli you better open your eyes before you bump into someone."I said as she open her eyes and we started walking to my office.

We was walking to my office with Xu Jiaqi still holding onto my coat.We walked when we saw Yuxin and the others accept Yu Yan.

"Oh hey Dai Meng.I see you brought Xiao Huli with you."Keni said as we go to them.

"Yeah.Uncle and aunt Xu is at her grandparents house and her school just end."I said to them.

"We see.Why is our Xiao Huli look tired right now."Xiaotang said as she patted Xu Jiaqi head who just yawn again.

"Well you know this kid was running from her bullies when I was late on picking her up."I said to them as I elbowed Xu Jiaqi stomach and she whined when I do that.

'I didn't even do it so hard why was she whined when I do that?'I question myself as I look at her who's holding onto her stomach.

"Xu Jiaqi are you ok?"I ask her.

"Yeah."She give me a weak voice as she still hold onto her stomach.

"What did you do Meng?!?"Yuxin said as she look at Xu Jiaqi.

"I didn't do nothing.I only elbowed her a little."I said to her.

"Xu Jiaqi lift up your shirt so we can see what have Dai Meng done to you."Keran said to her.

"No.It's ok."Xu Jiaqi said as she still holding onto her stomach.

"Xiao Qi can you not be stubborn for a second and show us your stomach?"Xue'er said.Xu Jiaqi just sigh in defeat and pulled up her school uniform.

When she pulled up her school uniform to show her stomach to us.We saw a huge patch of bruise on her stomach.

"That's why your stomach hurt when I did that."I said to her as I look at her stomach.

"Xu Jiaqi what happen?Why are they a huge patch of bruise on your stomach?"Keni asked the kid with a worry tone.Xu Jiaqi just stay silent.

'Is she scare to tell us?'I thought in my mind.

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