15. Go on, Kill Me

Start from the beginning

"This is not your fault." Iris motioned to Barry.

"Yeah it is."

"I should've been there." Anna mumbled as she hugged onto Caitlin.

"Wait. What is going on?" Joe asked when he entered the room when Anna looked up.

"Hey, Joe." Anna mumbled.

" Caitlin came by the precinct. She said that Wally was out and that he was okay."

"What? I didn't even see her leave." Iris added. Both speedsters sped to the precinct.

"Your little friend's in big trouble, Allen. A female meta-human attacked the precinct, took Julian Albert hostage." A man said.

"Julian? Wait, do you know who the meta is?" Barry asked, looking at the cameras.

"Uh, no. But she's smart. I'll tell you that. Took out our security cameras so we couldn't ID her. I thought maybe you'd recognize her."

"No. Why would she take Julian?" Barry questioned.

"She's a meta.They're all crazy. But don't worry. We'll get her." The man said, cocking his gun.

"Damn it Cait." Anna murmered, looking back to the footage.

"So, they don't know why she took Julian?" Joe questioned in the cortex, where everyone was exept for Caitlin and Wally.

"No, they don't. But more importantly, they don't even know that it's Caitlin yet, so we need to find her before they do." Barry explained.

"Okay. You're right. And when we find Caitlin, then what?"

"I don't know. I mean, she's not thinking straight."

"She's... She's becoming Killer Frost. It's just like in the Vibe. Her mother said the more that she uses her powers, the faster she's gonna go. And saving you from Savitar... that must have put her over the edge." Cisco remembered.

"I don't know. I tried pinging her cell and Julian's, but she must have ditched them both."

"Ahem! If I may proffer a notion..." HR intturupted.

"Oh, great. More suggestions from the genius over here."

"You don't call the genius. The genius calls you. Question: how did you catch your Captain Cold? I've been reading about him in your files. Seems like a wily fellow. Slow talker. But his MO... strikingly similar to our dear Caitlin's."

"What? No. We tracked him using the satellite to scan for ultraviolet cold signatures." Cisco's face changed quickly, typing at his computer.

"Got it. No. Nothing near the precinct."

"There." Anna pointed to the screen.

"Frozen food warehouse." Iris muttered.

"There she is. Okay, I'm gonna isolate the feed so that no one else can see it." Cisco pulled up the cameras.

"All right, figure out what she's making Julian do. We're going. Okay." Barry said as himself and Anna moved out.

"Stop." Barry took down Caitlins frozen hands.

"Get out of here." Caitlin said as her eyes turned lighter.

"You know we can't." Anna mumbled.

"What are you doing? Take her out. Take her out." Julian pleaded.

"You don't want to do this. You don't want to hurt anybody."

"She's willing to hurt someone. Knock her out." He said again as Anna threw a punch to his gut.

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