Process of healing.

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Day 1
9 am

Hogwarts Express

"Mr. Malfoy, is there anything else I can bring you besides the beer you're having?" says the food trolly lady with a concerned glance in his direction.

"If you serve Whiskey, I'd like that rather than this cheap beer," Draco says dryly.

"Mr. Malfoy I meant something good for your health. Maybe an apple to start the day," she mumbles, shaking her head.

"I'm good, thanks" Draco snaps, taking another sip of the warm liquor inside its bottle.

The lady sighs and makes her way through the train with a sorrowful expression on her face. Every time she sees the Malfoy boy at the end of each year, he looks way worse than the last year. She hopes instantly she doesn't have to witness him losing the last remaining parts of himself.

Day 1
7 pm

Kings Cross

Draco takes a look around as soon as he enters the platform at Kings Cross. His parents are nowhere to be seen. Nothing unusual but still he has hoped for his mother to come. With a sigh, he says goodbye to Zabini and Nott, who kept him company over the 9 hours of the train ride.

The boy strolls over the crowded platform and tries to ignore the happy families which are being reunited. He is aware of the fact that he wanted to leave Hogwarts as soon as possible, but he doesn't want to go home as it never felt like home in the first place. The kind and warm feeling his friends told him about when arriving at home is something he has never witnessed before. And so he won't today.

"Draco?" a voice says. Draco doesn't have to turn around to find out whose voice it is.

"What do you want, Lancaster" he slurs a bit drunk and annoyed at the fact he has to see her one more time before leaving.

"Listen, Draco." she says and comes closer "If you'd have a second, we can talk"

Draco turns around and is surprised as he can see her swollen cheeks, her red eyes, and the tired look on her face. It looks like she cried a lot, probably the whole train ride, he thinks.

"Why should we? It wouldn't turn back time. I'm not interested in making things up to you, okay?" he mumbles and tries to leave. But before he can, she grabs his arm and holds him back.

"Please" she stutters while tears brew in her eyes again.

"Listen, Lancaster. This time.. I did nothing wrong. Nothing. I can't believe it myself that for once I wasn't the one who fucked everything up. This time I won't apologize for something I might have caused. This time I don't want to talk to you just to hear from you that I am the reason you fucked it up. Because I am tired of always being the one to blame. I am tired of being the boy everybody sees as a heartless twat who doesn't care if he gets hurt in the first place. So I'm sorry, Prim. As I told you, we're done. Have a great summer" Draco mutters and frees himself from her grip, and leaves.

Day 10
10 am

Garden of Malfoy Manor

"Draco, dear" Narcissa begins talking to her son out of nowhere. "Are you okay lately?"

He can't ignore the concerned look on her face as he takes another sip of his tea. Every morning, Draco and his mother take their places on the white chairs in the backyard of Malfoy Manor, enjoying their time together, the morning sun hitting their faces and the tea the house-elves serve them. Draco likes this daily routine with his mother he has for several years now through summer.

𝐖𝐇𝐘'𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now