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Draco opens his eyes slightly to the dimly lit room. He takes a look around his empty dorm, his eyes hurting due to the effort he has to make. Pain knocks on the door and walks right in. It's a visitor that leaves in their own time but decides to stay right in Draco's head.

The headache was the kind that stopped all other traffic in the brain, as suddenly all had met with red lights.

With a moan, he decides to get out of bed. For a second, his sight goes blurry again, just like it was yesterday. His hand finds its way to his head, trying to comfort the pain. It's called hangover for a reason, Draco thought. He feels as if a sky full of dark clouds above him, not clearing the blue until the afternoon.

He picks his shirt from yesterday up from the floor, pulling it over his head, and leaves the room. His empty stomach growls with nothing but left traces of alcohol in it. Slowly, he strolls along the dark corridor until he reaches the stairs to the Slytherin common room. As light hits his eyes, he has to squint them, letting the warmth of the still dimmed light hurt him again. His pupils shrink as his eyes trying to adjust to it.

The boy stumbles across scattered bottles of wine, beer, and other kinds of substances he still can smell all over the huge dungeon. When he passes a condom lying on the floor near the door, he has to think about what happened yesterday. He didn't forget about it. It's just that he can't remember her face. He can remember her body on his but he can't remember the brain within.

Draco tries his best to think of the face he held in his hands for a moment, tries to remember the eyes he lost himself into but again, he fails. He can think of her halo-white shining teeth, he imagined biting his ear softly, of her angel-like voice begging for more, and he can remember her heavenly white hair as the clouds above him should be.

What he can't recall is her loving mind, always searching for the good within a person. He can't recall the laughter that brings joy to everyone around her. He also can't recall the love this girl has to offer for every seeking soul out there.

The boy shakes his head to clear his mind. It doesn't matter anyway, Draco whispers to himself as he enters the Great Hall to get some breakfast. He never saw her before and so he never will again.

Still tired and his dry mouth longing for cool water, he sits down next to Theo. Draco's friend smirks at him knowingly but the expression in his eyes tells Draco, Nott is hungover as well, suffering in silence. The weed he smoked yesterday made his voice hoarse and his breathing heavy as if the air has to fight its way out of his lungs.

As the food appears magically, Draco's mood lightens up. There's nothing better than fast food for breakfast, he thinks and puts loads of chicken wings on his plate. As if the house-elves of Hogwarts knew what the boy needed today.

Still chewing his food, his glance wanders around the way too loud hall, making his head hurt with each movement. As his eyes get stuck on a girl, he nearly chokes. Her yellow-black robe shining as bright as her hair.

Butterbeer and moonlight had woven together to create hair that flowed by day and shone by night.

All of a sudden, Draco knows why he has never seen the girl before. She's a bloody Hufflepuff, he mumbles, hoping Theo doesn't notice. But he did and with a mocking face, he hits Draco slightly.

"You railed a Hufflepuff, Malfoy," he bursts out laughing as soon as his glance fell on the girl as well.

"Shh. Don't you dare say this again, Nott. I swear you're going to regret this!" Draco hisses full of shame and regret. Nobody is going to know about the mischief he did last night. Burying his hands in his face, he shakes his head and sighs. He knew it was too good to be true. Never in life, a Slytherin would be this perfect in bed without being recognized by him before. The embarrassment he feels, makes him wanna hide like a child, and he could probably do so. But it was time to own what he did, and so he makes up lies and excuses, to prove he's a grown-up man now.

With Theo still laughing, Draco decides to get up and leave. Nott, doing everything Draco does as always, gets up as well and follows his best friend down the hallway. Nott has always been Draco's second shadow, as he always tries to be like him. But for the luck of others, there's only one boy like Draco Malfoy. Their feet lead them to the dungeons but before they can walk around the corner, a charming voice interrupts the boys.

"Draco?" the girl says without any doubt. As Draco turns around to look at her, he's surprised for a short moment how he could ever forget about such a beautiful girl. The eyes, he thought were brown, are actually sparkling green as a ray of sunshine hit her and her profile is everything compared with her perfect performance in bed. Draco doesn't even realize that his jaw dropped slightly as he stares right at her.

With one quick hit into his ribs by Theo, he comes back to reality again. Hoping Theo didn't notice him nearly drooling. He bites his lips as he still can feel the taste of her skin on them, trying to get rid of it.

"Sorry, do we know each other?" Draco smirks as a bunch of Slytherins cross their paths to enter the common room.

"Yeah. Obviously." the girl says in an annoyed but not surprised voice. Draco raises one eyebrow full of interest. In fact, he was really interested in this girl's name as he has forgotten about it as soon as she said it the first time.

"Primrose. Primrose Lancaster," she mutters dryly. "The girl you slept with last night" she adds, a bit too loud for Draco's liking. He takes a few steps towards the white-haired and bends down to her. The familiar scent of cherries finds its way to his nose and spreads slowly like a wide meadow of cherry trees in summer. Draco tries to focus as certain memories flood his mind.

"This." he points between him and her, "never happened. Do you understand, filthy Hufflepuff?" he says in a way only his father could do, letting his British accent take the lead. Scaring himself by doing so.

While his words leave his mouth, his mind is trying to wipe away the events of last night. Certain, warm feelings overcome him as he thinks unwillingly of how good he felt yesterday. Not for one second, he thought about her house, her family, her blood status. He felt like he was home, coming through a door of pure joy, climbing the stairs of pleasure. All of those thoughts, all of those feelings he tries to bury deep down inside a garden he has grown over the years inside him.

As Primrose's loveable eyes change into something sadder, Draco decides to leave without saying one more word. He could tell that she regrets their sex as well, leaving a pleasant feeling within him.

𝐖𝐇𝐘'𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 18+ ✓Where stories live. Discover now