Chapter 4

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Dean's POV

First day of freshman year, Dean walked over to the Novak's house.

"Ready to go?" He asked Castiel, who had answered the door.

"Yup!" He answers. Castiel steps outside, and, shutting the door behind him, they walk off for their first day of freshman year, together.
Castiel's POV

After their day, they both went to Castiel's house. They started up the stairs to Cas's room, just like two years ago. The first day of 7th grade. Castiel had been mentally preparing himself for this all day. It was now or never.

"But what if he's homophobic? What if he tells everyone at school, and laughs when they beat me up and call me names?" Castiel thought "No." He assured himself. "Dean wouldn't do that. He couldn't."

When they got up to Castiel's bed room, they just talked for a little while.

"Dean?" Cas said, very seriously

"Yeah?" Dean replied

"I'm gonna tell you something. It's a very serious thing, and I hope you can understand." Cas said, making Dean furrow his eyebrows, with a confused look. "Dean, I'm gay." Cas finished.

Dean looked at him for a few seconds, then stood up, walked out, and slammed the door behind him.

"Huh." Cas thought. "Just like 7th grade."

Dean's POV
Back at his house, Dean heard the walkie talkie go off from inside his bedside table drawer.

"...Dean?" Said Castiel's timid voice. Dean wanted to answer it...

"...Dean?" Said the voice again

But at the same time, he didn't want to answer it. He decided to leave it... For now.

3rd Person POV

As their high school careers continued, their lives started differing drastically.

Dean made it onto the football team, and became the youngest player there. His grades stayed up high, in the A and B range. He was popular. All the girls wanted him. All the guys wanted to be him. He had a girlfriend, Lisa, by Valentine's Day. The only bad thing going on in his life, was... no Cas to share it with.

Cas, on the other hand, got really depressed. He started hanging out with the wrong people. His grades stayed up, but he led people to believe they were low. He cut his hair into a mow-hawk, died the tips blue, and got tattoos and piercings everywhere. He had snake bites on his left eyebrow, and a lip ring on the bottom right of his lip. He got gauges. His tattoos were everywhere, but his favorite was a huge tattoo of black angel wings, across his upper back, shoulders, and arms. He became the "bad boy" of the school. If a girl didn't want Dean, she wanted Cas. Castiel dated so many girls he lost count, to convince himself and the people around him he was straight, but all the relationships crashed and burnt. He made himself look as unapproachable as possible, to avoid having his heart ripped out of his chest again. He joined the schools group of punks, Ruby, Meg, Azazel, Alistair, and Lilith. Because of his new "friends", Castiel Novak started doing drugs, drinking, and self-harming (although that had a lot more to do with Dean).

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