"Just shut up will ya!" Kaito said.

"Yeah that degenerate is the worst out of all of them! He is soo creepy" Said Tenko.

"We need to investigate the body and find out who did it." said Maki in a matter of fact voice.

Everyone nodded in agreement and began investigating.

I decided to collect alibis. It is crucial to know what everyone was doing.

Once I collected everyone's alibis it became clear they wouldn't help at all. 

Everyone was sleeping!

How would these alibis help at all?!

>Truth? Bullet Acquired< Everyone claims they were asleep

I looked at everyone there and saw that shuichi isn't here. I looked at the trapdoor, it is open now because of the murder but shuichi couldn't have done this as he was trapped outside.

>Truth Bullet Acquired< Trapdoor was shut from the outside

Shuichi is the only one who is 100% cleared. No matter how weird he seems he couldn't have committed this murder as the entrance was shut.

I reliezed what I had to do and slowly made my way toward the body. I didn't want to see it at all. But, if I want everyone to live I have to. I can do this! not just for myself but for everyone else.

I inspected the body, it is horrifying looking at him. Sure, he kept saying how he wanted to die. But, he deserved to live as much as the rest of us. 

I felt sad looking at his body. I can't stay thinking tho. Time is of the essence, I need to avenge him!

>Truth Bullet Acquired< Ryoma's dead body

>Truth Bullet Acquired< Ryoma's severed legs

>Truth Bullet Acquired< Hair pins? in Ryoma's hands

>Truth Bullet Acquired< Knife impaled through Ryoma's stomach

>Truth Bullet Acquired< Ryoma Pinned to exit sign

(A/N: Okay, You all saw the photo and it's been awhile since I last wrote so I am skipping the rest investigation part :p )

Okay It is time for the class trial !!

After that announcement, all of us looked up then one by one everyone climbed out of the tunnel.

Once everyone was out we headed to the monokuma statue with a fountain. 'are we having the trial here?'

I looked around. 

"Why isn't anything happening?" I asked confused as to why monokuma himself wasn't here yet.

"The weird hat guy isn't here yet~" said kokichi.

"That degenerate better get here quickly, he is making all of us female wait" said Tenko as she folded her arms in front of her.

we waited there for what felt like hours...






V3 &quot;Over And Again&quot; A Saioma storyWhere stories live. Discover now