Chapter 19

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"Tailed Beast Speech"

'Tailed Beast Thoughts'

- No One's POV -

Sitting at the front gate of The Village Hidden in the Leaves sat two Chunin on gate duty. Their names were Kotetsu and Izumo.

Their day had been rather boring so far as only a few merchants had come through the gate in search of business. As well as some people looking to hire the Leaf's shinobi for missions.

As a matter of fact, Kotetsu was currently sleeping on the job and Izumo was dozing off.

That was about to change however when a kunai landed at the entrance of the village startling Izumo, waking Kotetsu in the process.

"WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM!" Izumo said drawing a kunai himself.

"Kotetsu, inform Lady Hokage of this. I'll check it out," Izumo said.

"Fine, don't get yourself killed," He said, vanishing in a Shunshin.

Izumo slowly approached the kunai and when he was standing basically on top of it he noticed it wasn't a regular kunai, but a tri-pronged one.

With a confused look, he reached for the kunai only for a golden flash to burst into the area blinding him.

Izumo, having no time to move, got an uppercut to the jaw sending him flying backward.

Panicking he rushed to his feet when he heard someone speak.

"Man is it good to finally be home!" The first person said.

"Easy brat, we haven't even entered the gates. Technically speaking," The other more familiar voice spoke.

"Jiraiya-Sama?" Izumo said, confused.

'Now that is clearly Jiraiya-Sama but who is that and why do they look familiar?'Izumo thought, watching the man pick up the kunai off the ground as it puffed out of existence.

He has an orange haori, with a dark blue kimono short shirt with matching pants. The Kimono was interesting as instead of keeping his hands free from any obstruction they were covered hiding away his hands. He also had black shinobi sandals, black belt with a bunch of scrolls, ink, and brushes on them.

'A seal master possibly?' Izumo thought.

He also had underneath his Kimono mesh armor, gloves with metal plates on the back, and a large scroll with the Uzumaki Clan's insignia.

Izumo then noticed the long spiky yellow hair atop the man's head causing him to turn towards the Hokage monument, and his eyes widened.

"LORD FOURTH!" He yelled, getting the attention of those around the front gate.

Mermers rung throughout the area when the two who appeared at the gate looked at each other and began to laugh.

This confused the onlookers as well as Izumo who was just now noticing the three distinct whisker marks on either of the man's face.

"Wait Naruto?" Izumo said, trying to put the pieces together of who this man was.

The two of them stopped laughing as the blonde gave a cheeky smile.

"About time you figured it out!" Naruto said while he continued to smile.

"What happened?" A female voice rang out landing in the small open area.

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