Chapter 12

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"Tailed Beast Speech"

'Tailed Beast Thoughts'

- Naruto's POV -

"U...Uhh, H...Hello H...Hiashi-S...Sama," I say out of respect.

'Ohh Kami, This is just as Scary as last time!' I thought thinking back to when I asked Hiashi-Sama for Hinata's hand in marriage. A chill goes down my spine every time I think of that moment.

"May I ask what makes you think that you are worthy to be with my daughter?"

'Believe me, this would be easier if I was honest, but that would cause too many problems,'

"Well, I honestly don't have much to offer the mighty Hyuga clan as a whole. Nor do I believe that I am up to the standards of your mighty clan Hiashi-Sama, but I wish to change that as time goes on. I do want to be with your daughter and I am fully willing to wait as long as it takes to be with her as I care deeply for her with all my heart,"

'I have even watched her die multiple times over and over, and I can't take not standing by her side to protect her any longer,'

"Kit I know how you feel about this, but you must remember that you have to fix things then maybe worry about anything else," Kurama said as I wanted to berate the fox as this is the woman that I love, but deep down I knew he was right.

'I know damn it, I...I just can't take it anymore. I need her in my arms telling me she is alright. If anything were to happen to her again I don't know if I could stand it again,'

A tear ran down my cheek unseen by the two Hyuga.

"Ironic that they didn't see that," Kurama teased, to which I let out a chuckle.

"May I ask what is so funny to you?" Hiashi said and I paled unprepared for this conversation.

"Well, I just thought it was funny that I probably know some things that you have never even told anyone else about yourself Hiashi-Sama,"

"Are you blackmailing me, child?" Hiashi said to which I instantly went into defense mode.

"No not at all I just thought that no one knew that you read Jira..." He didn't let me finish as I saw a bead of sweat drip down the side of his face.

"Ahh, I see it is about that, therefore, I approve of your relationship with my daughter, GOOD DAY!" He yelled running away.

"N...Naruto-Kun what was that about?" Hinata asked.

"Ahh nothing to worry about Hinata-Hime," I say as I felt eyes on me from the direction Hiashi-Sama had run.

I turned towards roughly where I thought he was and waved before continuing walking to Hinata's home.

The next day Pervy-Sage walked up to me and told me about the two of us retrieving Baa-Chan to be the next Hokage.

I packed my belongings and we were off within the hour and on our way to a very special encounter with the most important rouge nin in my plan to fix everything.

After about two days of walking, we were able to succeed in getting to the gambling town where Itachi and Kisame had encountered us, and when we arrived who do you think appeared.

That's right, the lady under the genjutsu that Itachi sent to distract Pervy-Sage.

"She is under a genjutsu by Itachi Uchiha, just go along with it. I will handle things if you feel me pulsate chakra from Kurama, that means I need help and my shit didn't work, got it?" I say to which he nods.

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