∭baby∭ 18+✑ ~Yeonbin

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Yeahyeahyeah this is the smut you want💖

Age regression is when somebody reverts to a child-like state of mind, often as a coping mechanism for things like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

Basically age regressors are more at-peace and worry-free whilst in "little space" (A term for when one is in said mindset). These people simply need breaks from the stress of being old and often have a childish personality even outside of regression (Though sometimes it's not as obvious).

Some age regressors refer to themselves as littles and to their significant other as "Daddy", "Mommy", or just as their "Caregiver" Since they'd typically take care of their "Little" as if they're an actual child.

Yeonjun had never thought that he will meet a age regression in his life.

It's rare to see a age regression. They hide themselves very well, to not get hurt from the others. It's understandable because they have gone through so much, but all they need is someone understands and protect them.

Yeonjun had never thought that he will fall in love with a age regression.

"Ouch!" Yeonjun yelled as he felt someone bumped into him. His books and papers was all over the floor cause by the little crash. Yeonjun groan and started to pick up his things when a pair of hands helped him. He rise his eyes to meet by a beautiful boy.

The boy murmured a sorry as he continued to help Yeonjun collect the papers on the floor, when Yeonjun scan the boy's feature with his eyes.

The boy's hair is semi long that covers part of his eyes, his cheeks seems soft and his button nose is like a bunny, his pouty lips like cherry blossom pink and his skin, his face, his hands was so pale.

Yeonjun can't move away his eyes from the boy until the boy broke the embarrassing silent. "Umm, sorry for bumping into you, here's your things. Imma go now, urgh, bye." The boy ran away and faded at the end of the stairs.

Yeonjun just stood there, mesmerising the boy's beauty.

"Shit I didn't ask for his name" Yeonjun mentally curse as he started to walk to his next class.

When the bell rings, Yeonjun quickly gathered all his stuff in his bag and rushed out the school. He need to be back home because of his pet bunny. Yeonjun ran down the stairs and went straight cross the crowds, when he was about to walk out the gate, he heard a soft sob.

Yeonjun stopped his steps, titled his head towards the little sound.

There he saw a group of bully in the dark corner of the school gate, probably hitting a student again. Yeonjun don't care to intervene these kind of things normally, but today he suddenly have an urge to stop this.

He walk towards the bullies and hit right in the lead's nose. Yeonjun started to fight the bullies when the one got bullied curled up into a ball at the corner, sobbing softly.

The bullies soon got defeated and ran away.

Yeonjun approach the shuttering boy and patted his shoulders. The boy looked up from his arm makes Yeonjun gulped. The beautiful boy that bumped into him at the morning. The boy staring at Yeonjun with teary eyes and made grabby hands to the older "b-bin wants- mommyy".

From the way the younger talk and act, Yeonjun know that he's a little.

Which shocks him a lot. Like a lot.

"Umm, bin? Your name is bin?" Yeonjun asked gently as he picked up the younger in bridal style. The boy nodded " Soobin wants mama." He looked at the older hopefully as the older just can't stop himself from sighing.

TXT ONE SHOTS|mostly yeonbin|open requestWhere stories live. Discover now