Chapter Three

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After I had showered, brushed my teeth and even tried to brush my hair-absolutely hopeless, I looked at the clothes Solace had given me: black jeans and the t-shirt I had seen him wear in the vision from Clovis. Well, better than an orange camp shirt.
I stepped out of the bathroom and didn't know what to do, so I looked for Will. I found him bandaging a son of Demeter. But something was not alright; he looked exhausted and suddenly I had an idea. I went to the Dining Pavilion, grabbed a sandwich and soda, went back and tapped Solace, who was sitting on a chair and staring at the wall, on the shoulder.
„You look like you need some rest. When was the last time you slept?", I asked him as I handed him the food.
He looked at me, stunned. „You, Nico di Angelo, are telling me that I could need some rest? Have you looked into a mirror lately?"
„I'm gonna pretend that you didn't just insult me again, Solace. I can't sleep that early, but you look like you do. I promise that as soon as I'm able to fall asleep, I will. Now go rest, you're not the only healer around here."
„Alright. But keep that promise or you'll have to stay here for two more days."
„Deal." I actually smiled a little bit and turned around to go to my bed.
„And Nico?"
„Thank you."

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