Chapter Four

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I woke up about three hours later and stretched my back. Nico had been right; I'd really needed some rest. I stood up and walked out through the infirmary door. The Romans and their SUVs looked ready to set out.
I saw Nico who was saying goodbye to that roman praetor, Reyna Ramirez-Arellano, on the hill. I saw her hugging him and leaning down to... kiss him? I couldn't quite see it from the distance. Now that I thought about it, it made sense. They had been through so much together; romantic feelings were normal. I was happy that even Nico had apparently found the right person. But there was another feeling that I couldn't quite classify... never mind.
I walked over to them and said: „Di Angelo, you can't just walk out of the infirmary! You're clearly not 'fine'!"
„First of all, I wanted to say goodbye to my friends and my sister. And secondly, you slept so deeply, not even one of my skeleton warriors playing the saxophone could have woken you up."
I opened and closed my mouth and felt the blood rush into my ears. Reyna smiled and ruffled Nico's... her boyfriend's hair. It left a sour feeling in my stomach.
„Come on, death boy. We gotta leave now," I said.
„Wait!", Reyna yelled. She whispered something into Nico's ear and he blushed. I didn't even want to know what dirty things she had said to him. Nico hugged Reyna and his sister Hazel, who was standing nearby, for the last time. Then we walked back to the infirmary.


Hey, it's me again :D! Wow, almost fourty reads dsadhsfjafdgjg! It's so much fun writing that, I hope you guys like it too! Byeeee your Jamie <3

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