Chapter 8: The Note

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Izzy's POV

I woke up later this morning since I had the night shift today. I prefer to work the mid day shift but Liz is a single mom with two kids so I help her out any time I can when she needs to switch. I mean it's the least I could do, it's not like I have a ton going on anyways.

I got up and walked out into the kitchen, it was around 11 so I figured Darcy would still be sleeping. She is normally the late sleeper and last night we were all up late watching tv and getting to know each other better. Owen didn't leave to head back until probably 12:30.

I can definitely see why Darcy likes him so much. He's sweet to her, he's hilarious, and overall just a great guy from the few times I've been around him. I really hope things stay the course with those two, I'd love for him to be around often.

I decided to cook me and Darcy some breakfast since I had time to spare. I really needed to start making food at home instead of getting coffee every morning. So I whipped up some scrambled eggs, toast, and fruit smoothies.

Once I had it all made I walked about to her door and quietly knocked before peaking my head in. Much to my surprise, she was awake.

"Knock, knock" I said jokingly as I walked further into her room. She lifted her head at the sound of my voice. "Hey Iz, did you just wake up? This is late for you." She asked checking the time on her phone.

I laughed slightly while nodding, "I know but we were up pretty late last night and I have the evening shift at the cafe tonight so I decided to give my body some rest. I made us breakfast if you wanna come out and eat." I pointed to the door as I started out of the room.

I heard her footsteps follow me out into the kitchen. "So what were you working on in there? You seemed super focused." I questioned her while setting our plates on the counter.

She flipped her laptop around to face me. I took it from her hands examining it closer.

"I got started on a rough idea for the flyer for open mic night that we talked about yesterday. I was thinking we could do a digital one obviously that people can share on social media and then also print out hard copies to hang around town. Do you think Martha will like this design? I was planning on emailing it to you once we finalized it so you could show her when you go in?" I looked at the screen, wow she did good. I'm not good with any of that photoshop or digital editing stuff so I'm happy to see her so excited and willing to help, it's definitely a weight off my shoulders.

"Darc this looks amazing! I love it and I trust your ideas and judgement for this so it's all you. I know Martha feels the same way. I was thinking I would help more with the organization side of the actual event you know like setting up and things like that. I will totally take it in with me this afternoon if you think you can have it done by then." I praised her while handing the laptop back to her.

She clapped her hands excitedly, "Omg yay I'm glad you like it and I can totally get it to you by then. I just wanna get one other opinion on it before I email it to you." She blushed slightly, giving away who she had in mind.

"I'm sure Owen will love it just as much as we do," I teased her," I think we're going to have the first one a week from tomorrow so you should see if he wants to come."

She nodded with a smile on her face, "I definitely will, and don't worry babe I'll make sure to tell him to bring Charlie too." She shot me a wink before taking her smoothie in one hand, laptop in the other and heading back into her room.

I shook my head, "You're ridiculous you know that? I don't like him!" I shout as I head back into my own room.

"Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that Iz!" I heard her yell back. I laughed slightly before crawling back into my bed.

I still had about 3 hours before I needed to leave for work so I decided to just lay there and watch a movie. I set my alarm for 3:15 just in case I dozed off to sleep again.

It's a good thing I did because I woke up to the horrific sound of my alarm. I groaned before getting up to get changed for my shift.

After I got ready I grabbed my bag and my water bottle and walked over to Darcy's door. I knocked twice before opening it and walking in. She was laying on her bed on facetime, I assumed with Owen.

"Hey I'm headed to work, can you send me the flyer so I can show it to Martha this afternoon?" I asked her, walking over to see who was on the screen. My assumption was correct as I came face to face with none other than the blonde boy who had stolen my best friend's heart. I smiled and waved at the screen, "Hey Owen!"

He returned the smile and wave, "Hi Iz!" He replied back enthusiastically. Darcy butted in, "I sent it over to you about an hour ago but just text me or give me a call if it won't open or she wants something changed. Be safe and I'll see you when you get back?" She looked up at me for confirmation.

I nodded as I headed for the door, "Bye lovebirds! Don't miss me too much while I'm gone." With that being said, I shut the door behind me and started my way over to the cafe. 

As soon as I entered the front door, I spotted Martha behind the counter. I looked down at my watch on my wrist, checking to make sure I had the right time and I wasn't showing up late to my shift. The time read 3:50, still 10 minutes until my shift was supposed to start. I gave her a confused look as I walked towards her.

She just shook her head, "Liz needed to go pick up Andrew a little early from school so I told her I would cover until you got here. It's no big deal dear don't worry." Now it was my turn to shake my head at her, "I could've come in early! Why didn't you call or text me?!" I asked.

"Nonsense! It was only 20 minutes, plus you're here now so it's all good!" She reassured me, seeing the panic on my face. "By the way, there's a note for you by the register."

I walked over to the register, looking for the note she mentioned. I found a little folded piece of paper with "Izzy" in messy handwriting on the front. I gave Martha a confused look, "Who left this? What does it say?" I questioned her. She just shrugged. "Don't look at me, it wasn't my name on there so I didn't read it! But by the looks of it, our little Iz has a secret admirer." She made her way back to her office but not before looking over her shoulder and sending me a wink.

I rolled my eyes playfully at her before replying, "I do not!" But I couldn't help the feeling my stomach got just thinking about someone taking the time to write me a handwritten note.

Just as I was about to open the note to see who it was from, I heard the front door chime and a group of teenagers approaching the counter.

I guess the note will have to wait.

Author's Note:

Hi babes! I'm sorry this isn't my best work and that I've been gone for like two months!

Life/school/work got really crazy but it's finals week this week and then finally summer!! So hopefully I can get back to writing. I've been reading quite a bit on here during my break though and honestly think it's so fun to read each other's work and get inspiration from that!

Anyways.... Hope you all are doing well and if you ever need anyone to talk to know that I'm always here!!!

On that note, hope you enjoyed chapter 8 (I'll try better next chapter I promise I know it's kinda slow right now I'm sorry!) and please please pray for me for my finance final exam tomorrow!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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