Chapter 1: Graduation

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Flashback (Senior Year Spring 2017)

Essay Prompt: If you could describe yourself using one word what would it be? 

The words on the page staring at me, taunting me, daring me to answer. Now this may sound dramatic but I was stuck. There are hundreds of thousands I could choose from but the one I kept coming back to was the honest answer. Ordinary.

Present Day (Spring 2020)

I'm standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom straightening out my light blue dress. My long auburn hair is in loose curls and I have light makeup on. Today is my college graduation.

In less than 2 hours I will be a graduate from the University of Oklahoma with a bachelor's degree in marketing. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I can't decide if I want to puke or cry... maybe a little bit of both.

As I stare at my reflection, my mind drifts back to a day about 3 and a half years ago. It was the day I wrote my college application essay to get into OU. The essay prompt was to use one word to describe yourself and then write about why you chose that word. I chose ordinary because it was the honest answer.

All my life I had done everything I was supposed to. I got good grades, mostly As maybe a few Bs here and there, I stayed out of trouble, I had a job, and I kept my small group of friends who stayed out of trouble. I lived the most predictable life you could imagine in Rollingwood, Texas.

Growing up I dreamed of becoming a writer. It didn't matter what kind of writer it was- best-selling author, columnist for some big shot gossip magazine, hell I would've even settled for a journalist for my local newspaper. Writing, reading, and books have been my passion since I learned how to read.

That dream was sadly shattered when I went to enroll in classes at OU. My parents told me they wouldn't pay all that money for college just so I could get "some wasteful English degree" and never make it in the writing industry. Since I didn't have nearly enough money saved up from working at the coffee shop, I compromised with them, followed in my dad's footsteps, and studied business. 

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a knock on my bedroom door followed by a head popping through the crack.

"Hey, you ready? I got us some coffee and breakfast to eat before I drop you off at the gym." My best friend, Darcy, asked.

"Yeah I'll be right out. I just need to touch up a few pieces" I replied.

"Iz, stop! Your hair looks perfect, your makeup is flawless as usual, and blue is definitely your color! You look great now get your ass in the kitchen before my amazing breakfast I prepared gets cold." I bit my nails as I listened to her compliment me, I've never been good at taking them. "Okay, okay I'm coming! Thank youuuuuuu" I say while dragging out the last word and I skip past her into the kitchen.

I start laughing as soon as I see the two Starbucks cups and the bag of Chick-fil-A on the island. "Wow, Darc, it looks like you really out did yourself with the cooking this morning." She rolled her eyes in response while taking her drink off the counter, "Do you know how long I had to sit in the drive thru line to get these coffees?! That's basically the same amount of dedication as cooking pancakes. Just take your drink, eat the minis and be happy."

I did just as she said and sat down next to her to enjoy our breakfast. I don't know how I kept them down, my stomach felt like it was in knots. 

"So miss soon-to-be college graduate, how does it feel to finally be done? I can't believe my best friend is leaving me behind for adulthood. What will I do without you?!" Darcy exclaimed dramatically.

"Oh don't be so dramatic. You know I'm not going anywhere! We still have this apartment for another year and I promised you I wouldn't bail on the rent when I decided to graduate early." I reminded her. Darcy and I are the same age, both turned 21 this year. I had enough credits to be able to graduate a year early since I spent most of my time studying and working instead of partying and going out like Darc. Don't get me wrong I love my best friend with my whole heart, we were just different when it came to our free time and social lives.

"I know but you'll be out doing big girl shit while I'll be barely ready to graduate next spring." She complained. I laughed, "Stop, you know I won't be doing any "big girl shit" since I have no jobs lined up and I'm stuck working at the cafe until I find something. So we're both kinda in the same boat sis. And besides, you know I'll help you with your studies, you just have to be more serious about making it a priority." I promise her.

She threw her arm around my shoulder, "I love having a super smart roomie/best friend. Now hurry up! We have to leave in 5 minutes! LET'S GO DO THE DAMN THING"

I laughed at her excitement even though she wasn't the one graduating. As I got my things together the nerves started to come back and my stomach was swarming with nervous butterflies.

Izzy chill out. You got this. All you have to do is make it across the stage without face planting and completely embarrassing yourself in front of thousands of people. Oh well when I think about it that way, piece of cake.

I attempted to shake the negative thoughts from my head, grabbed my phone and my purse, and followed Darcy out the door.

Here's to the start of adulthood.

Author's Note:

Hey babes!! Here's the first chapter! Just a bit of background on Izzy and a little on Darcy. Basically Darcy is a party animal and Izzy prefers to stay at home.

Who do we think will have more influence over the other as time carries on?!

Also a little side note I wanted to add that I forgot to mention in my first author's note... This story is completely fictional so with that being said I'm going to write it as if covid didn't happen. So times where we were in lockdown and other covid related events won't be included in there.

Let me know what y'all think and if you have any suggestions please don't hesitate to share!

Ordinary - Charlie GillespieWhere stories live. Discover now