Chapter 7: C.M. Stans Only

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Izzy's POV

Around 1:00 I finally went over to the lovebirds' table to tell Owen the message Charlie left for him. As I approached the table I swear it was like there was a bubble around them, neither even noticed I was standing there until I began speaking.

"Hey you two, can I get you guys anything?" I asked the couple as I pulled out my order pad. "Also Owen, Charlie told me to tell you he had to leave for a work meeting and that he'd meet you back at your apartment." I recited to the blonde boy. He nodded his head with a smile, "Oh shit it's already 1 o'clock?!" He exclaimed, staring at his watch. "I guess time flies when you're talking to a beautiful girl." He sent Darcy a wink making her blush like crazy.

I smiled at the two of them. I've never seen Darcy like this around a boy, she's smitten!

"Can I get you anything to go before you leave?" I offered to him, wanting to leave before they got all mushy gushy with their good bye. He shook his head, "I'm good, thank you though!" I nodded before walking away back towards the front.

A few minutes later Owen got up from the booth. He smiled as he passed me going towards the door, "Bye Izzy! It was nice to officially meet you. See you soon hopefully" He said with a little wave and the biggest smile on his face. I couldn't help but give me a big smile back and a wave, "Bye Owen, it was good meeting you as well. Get home safe." I replied back.

As soon as he was out the door Darcy ran up to the counter.

"IZZY! I just had the best two hours of my life. Owen is so fucking cute and he's so sweet. Ugh how is a boy THAT good looking and respectful?!" She threw her hands up in question, "God really took his time with that one." She said with her chin propped up on her hand, staring into space probably thinking about Owen still.

I just chuckled at my best friend. Darcy has always been the boy crazy one, not me. But this time I could tell this one was different. From the small time I interacted with Owen I had to agree with her, he did seem super sweet and down to earth. Actually they both did.

No Izzy stop. Don't start thinking about Charlie, he's too perfect. He's too good to be true. You know how this goes.

I mentally scolded myself for letting those thoughts pop up again. Doesn't my brain ever get tired of being in overdrive mode, like give me a break please.

I kind of zoned out when Darcy was rambling about all the stuff she and Owen talked about. 

"You get off at 2 right? I think I'm gonna head out now but I'll meet you back at home in like an hour?" I snapped out of my thoughts, turning towards my best friend and nodding.

"Yeah I just have a few things to clean then I can leave. Liz is coming in next and she's usually early anyways." I hoped she would get here soon, I'm ready to have a date with my couch because I'm exhausted.

"Okay sweet, I'll see you at home be careful!" She yelled over her shoulder as she walked out of the cafe. I just replied with a wave. I hope these next 30 minutes go fast.

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"Bye Martha! See you tomorrow, I have the night shift since Liz has to babysit tomorrow night so we switched." I peeked my head in her office on my way out. She looked up from her computer, giving me a smile and a thumbs up. "Bye sweetie, have a good night!"

 It was a short walk home from the cafe, only about 15 minutes. When I walked in I noticed Darcy's door was shut, she was probably taking a nap. I decided against waking her up, instead I put my stuff in my room and then plopped down on the couch and grabbed the tv remote.

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