Chapter 5: Caramel Macchiato

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Izzy's POV

The next day we did exactly what Darcy had promised me. We got up and went to Starbucks to get coffee and then grabbed some things to make us brunch. We stayed on the couch all afternoon watching all the movies our hearts desired before ordering some take out for dinner.

Sadly the weekend came to an end far too quickly and it was back to work at the cafe for me. Don't get me wrong I love working there. It has some of my favorite things all in one place- coffee, books, and occasionally live music or poetry open mic night. It's a quaint little place and Martha, the owner and my boss, is the sweetest lady. But it's not a place I saw myself staying at longer than my college years.

I seriously needed to get my shit together with finding a job. More specifically a job that actually requires my college degree and can kick start my career. I don't want to move back home with my parents, I like it here in Oklahoma and I don't want to leave Darcy. I've gotten used to this place and the people. I'm not too good with change. If it's not broke don't fix it right?

It would be really helpful if I could find a job opportunity right here in Norman, even if it was just for a year. But the job search will have to wait until I get home.

Monday mornings are usually pretty busy at the cafe. Everyone needs that extra little caffeine boost to start the week so I knew we would be pretty slammed when I got there. The rush usually ends around 10-10:30 so I wasn't surprised when Darcy strolled in around 11 with lunch in her hand and a bright smile on her face.

"Hi Martha!" Darcy greeted my boss as soon as she walked in. Martha smiled back at her, "Darcy sweetie, how are you?" Martha has known me and Darcy since freshman year. We find the cafe our second week here and have been coming here just about every day since then. That's how I got the job. She offered a job to Darcy as well but she declined, nothing could keep that girl tied down.

"Thank god you're here. I'm starving. I haven't had a chance to stop and breathe since I got here!" I exclaimed to her. I turned towards Martha, "Is it okay if I take my lunch break now?" I asked her even though I already knew what she was going to say. "Of course, of course! 30 minutes then I need you to fill up the ice machine in the back please." I nodded in response before sitting down at our usual corner booth in the back.

"Seriously you are a lifesaver Darc. I was starving!" I gushed to her as I stuffed the Panera in my mouth.

"Babes you know I wouldn't miss our lunch. It's my favorite thing especially now that classes are over and I have nothing else to do." She held her drink up for cheers.

"I love them too haha. And you know if you're that bored you could always get a job here with me. You know Martha loves you." I clinked my cup with hers as I threw the idea out there.

"I'll think about it for real this time I promise." She said as the front door chimed again.

My back was to the door so I couldn't see who had walked in but it must have been someone important by the way Darcy gasped and grabbed my arm.

She started slapping my forearm repeatedly. "Ow what the fuck? Stop hitting me!" I whisper-yelled at her.

"Izzy oh my god it's him!" I swear I saw her eyes light up. I turned my head to see who she was talking about, I saw a blonde guy walking up with his friend next to him.

"Who is 'him' Darc? I don't have any idea what you're talking about." I questioned her confused. 

"Remember when I told you about the two guys from the party on Saturday? There was a cute blonde one and then the one you ran over?" She asked me. I nodded in response. "Well that's the cute blonde one!" She practically squealed.

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