Chapter 6: Christian

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Charlie's POV

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I posted the photo to my story. I couldn't stop thinking about Izzy.

Was she flirting back? Did she think I was doing too much?

I still didn't know what happened on Saturday night that made her run out like that but I was determined to find out. I just wanted to know everything I could about her.

It was so cute how she kept apologizing for the other night and how she bought me the coffee. She was embarrassed about her working at the cafe but I admire that about her. She is working for her future. I like a girl with some ambition and drive.

I thought back to my conversation with Owen, about how Darcy didn't recognize him. It's refreshing, I mean I know the show isn't out yet and everything might change after it does, but for right now it's nice. 

My phone vibrating snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked down at my screen to see Kenny's name across the top.

"Hey Kenny! How are you?" I greeted my boss after accepting the call.

"Charlie! I'm doing well, I'm doing well. How about yourself?" He greeted me back. I smiled at how nice it was to hear from him again. It's been a few weeks since we've all been together at Jeremy's wedding.

"I'm doing great! Excited to hear what your ideas are for press and stuff." I replied, getting jittery just thinking about it. This project is so special to me, it's my first part I've booked as one of the leads. Not to mention it has all the things I love wrapped into one- singing and acting. This experience has been the best, I met some of my best friends from working on it. Hell I wouldn't even be in Oklahoma right now with Owen if it wasn't for Kenny and this project.

I could hear Kenny lightly chuckle on the other line before replying, "I saw your story so I'm sure you are doing great kid. How are Oklahoma and Owen treating you?"

My cheeks heated up at the comment, "It's great! I'm having a lot of fun with Owen, I'm glad we can spend some time together during my trip. It's been weird not seeing him every day since filming wrapped up." I admitted. "That's wonderful to hear. So, I was thinking you guys could film just a little video letting the fans get to know you two so that we can release it once the trailer for the show drops in a few weeks." I nod my head along to his words, forgetting that he can't see me.

"We can definitely do that. Would it be okay if we showed some of the pictures we took on set like a little behind the scenes?" I asked practically bouncing with excitement.

I could hear Kenny laugh again, "Let's save that for the takeovers after the show's been out for a little alright? I love the enthusiasm Char!" I sighed a little disappointed but agreed to wait.

We talked for a few minutes longer before we hung up, conveniently right as I arrived in front of Owen's apartment building. I went inside ready to get brainstorming on what we could talk about.

I hope Owen gets home soon.

Izzy's POV

Charlie left 30 minutes ago and I've been staring at the clock ever since. I swear sometimes these shifts go by in slow motion. It was only 1:15, I still had another hour and fifteen minutes.

Martha came out from her office, stood there with her arms folded and a knowing smile on her face as she peered at the young girl by the counter. "You have a crush." She pointed out.

I jumped slightly at the sound of her voice. We hadn't had anyone come in since the boys plus Owen and Darcy had been in their own little bubble since he got here, meaning I had been lost in my thoughts for the past half hour.

I shook my head at her giving her a look, "What makes you think that?" I questioned her. I was never going to admit to anyone that I found Charlie extremely charming and quite adorable.

She chuckled as she motioned for me to sit down with her. "Have I ever told you about Christian?" I thought for a second trying to remember if that name sounded familiar before shaking my head in reply. 

"He was the most charming, handsome man I have ever known. He loved two things most in this world: dancing and coffee. Well, I'd like to think I was up there on the list but he's not here to confirm or deny that." I smiled softly at her, dying to know more about her mysterious love. "What happened to him? I've never heard you talk about him before."

She smiled sadly as she placed with the charm bracelet on her wrist, "He died 12 years ago. He was in a car accident, drunk driver, and they couldn't save him. We bought this cafe together. It was his favorite to have open mic nights on Fridays. He always loved when the performers would move the crowd to the point where everyone was up on their feet dancing." She looked fondly over at the corner where there was a small stage, as if she was reliving a time when Christian was still here with her.

I squeezed her hand in comfort. "He sounds wonderful Martha. I wish I could've met him but I think he would be proud that you're still here running the cafe." I try my best to comfort her with my words. I meant what I said though, he sounds like a great man and I'm sad I never had the chance to at least meet him.

But the look she had on her face when she talked about him and the love she described made my heart ache for both her and myself. It broke me to think that Martha had to go through that loss and that pain. It always made me think about how I want that kind of love for myself.

"Hey, maybe we could bring back open mic nights? It could be fun especially since summer is a few weeks away. I'm sure it would be a total hit and we could have it in honor of Christian, like a tribute to him" I proposed the idea to her. I really think people would love it and I want him to still be a part of this place. 

She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Oh Izzy that is a wonderful idea. I think he would've loved it! How about we start it next Friday? Maybe you and Darcy could make some flyers to put up around town if it's not too much trouble?" I nodded my head excitedly as a huge smile formed on my face. "We would love to! And it's no trouble at all, I'm so excited!!" I couldn't help the giddy feeling I had in my stomach right now. 

"Oh wonderful, I'll get started on planning it tomorrow. I'll be back in my office if you need anything." She smiled at me one last time as she made her way to the back.

I smiled to myself as I walked back behind the counter to the computer at the register. I immediately opened up a document and started working on flyer ideas.

My plan was to ask Darcy to help but when I turned towards her table I could see she was clearly occupied with her new found company, which is fine I'll just get her thoughts tonight when we get home.

I'm so excited for this open-mic night, I hope this is the start of a tradition that will last forever.

Who knows, someone amazing might even get discovered.

*Author's Note*

Hi babes!! I'm so sorry this took longer than expected and it was on the shorter side but hopefully I can get the next chapter up tomorrow or Thursday!!

I love seeing your comments and thoughts so please please keep sharing with me they truly make my day!!!

As always please leave comments with suggestions/feedback because it's always appreciated.

ily all and I'm always here if you need to talk or anything!! You are all beautiful, wonderful humans never forget that!! xx

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