Chapter 2: Graduation pt 2

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Darcy pulled up to the curb in front of the gym and turned towards me, "Alright here we are. Go in there, rock that stage and get that diploma!" 

I let out a nervous laugh and gave her a hug over the center console. "Thank you so much for dropping me off. Don't forget there's a seat for you next to my parents and Rose in the family section." She nodded as she shooed me out of the car and sped down the street. 

I took a deep breath, fixed my dress and made my way into the gym where the rest of the graduates were gathered around tables.

I approached the main table, giving the lady sitting there my name. She handed me my cap and cords and pointed me to the corner table to sit and wait for instruction.

As soon as I sat down I felt a presence behind me. I looked up and immediately my eyes were locked with icy blue ones.

Mitchell Brooks. Great.

Mitchell's your classic jock turned frat boy. The kind of guy all the girls swoon over. He was a walk-on for the football team his freshmen and sophomore year before he quit to join the frat boy life. He's a total douche who has no respect for anyone's personal space and can't handle being told no.

I can't even count how many times he tried to hit on me on the rare occasion I went out to a party with Darcy. The dude is 24 years old, still in college, and uses pick up lines popular in the ninth grade. Not to mention he's drunk 90% of the time.

"Can I help you with something?" I questioned him as he sat down next to me.

"Woah there princess, what's with all the hostility?" He questioned with a smirk on his face.

"I'm just trying to get through this ceremony and I don't want any drama. Please just leave me alone." I started to get up to move to the seat open across the table but he grabbed my hand. "Oh come on, don't be like that. This is our last day here, come to the grad party with me that my buddies are throwing. I promise I'll make it worth your while." He shot me a wink at the end.

I shook my hand from his grip. "No, I'm not going. Parties aren't my scene." I get up and move to the open seat across from him in between two girls I recognized from my freshman comms class.

"I know Darcy can't resist a good party, I'll be seeing you there Brown." Mitchell calls out to me before walking back to his group of friends. 

After my little run in with Mitchell, it was like the clock was moving in slow motion. I kept staring at it every 2 minutes praying it would go faster. The longer I sat here the more anxious I felt.

Finally after what felt like eternity, the women from the check-in desk got out the microphone and started giving us instruction on lining up and proceeding into the stadium.

I found my way to my assigned spot in line. Much to my dismay I was directly in front of Mitchell. Izzy you're fine, just keep your head down and don't react to any of his comments. That's all he wants, a reaction.

I took a deep breath and just focused on following the person in front of me. This is it. I'm finally done with school. I really did it! The sound of the band playing the school fight song snaps me out of my thoughts. Well here goes nothing.

If I'm being honest I kinda just zoned out for the first half of the ceremony. As the row in front of me stood up to make their way towards the stage I finally snapped out of my haze. The butterflies in my stomach emerged as the people beside me began to stand up as well.

Okay you can do this. One foot in front of the other. Grab the diploma, shake hands, walk off stage. Piece of cake I can totally do that.

*Author's Note: I apologize if I'm missing any part of what they said when you graduate college. I've only graduated high school so far, not college yet. And tbh I can't remember what they did at my brother's graduation so we're gonna go with just the name hehehe okay back to the story*

"Izzy Brown", the announcer said as I made my way across the stage stopping in front of him to receive the piece of paper I've been working the last 3.5 years for. I could hear Darcy and my family whooping and cheering from the stands. So when I get to the stairs on the far side closest to them I give them a tiny wave followed by a big smile. I could see the tears in my mom's eyes all the way from here!

The rest of the ceremony went by like a breeze. "Ladies and gentlemen, the University of Oklahoma graduating class of 2020! Congratulations graduates!" The stadium erupted with cheers while we all threw our caps in the air.

In the midst of all the chaos I managed to snap a few pictures of everyone cheering and throwing their caps in the air. I wanted to capture this moment so that I could look back on this day and admire the feeling of relief, happiness, and freedom these pictures convey.

I grabbed the cap closest to me and weaved my way through the sea of people out to the edge to try and find my family. As soon as I reached the sideline of the football field I was bombarded with the biggest bear hug.

I stumble forward from the impact. I turn around and come face to face with Darcy and my little sister Rose. "Ahhhhhhhh you did the damn thing! I'm so proud of you." Darcy exclaimed while stepping to the side so my parents could hug me as well.

"Sweetie we are so proud of you! I can't believe my baby is all done with college." My mom gushes as she hugged me. I chuckled softly at her words. "Thank you mom. You know I couldn't have done it without all of you." I said as I pulled my little sister into the hug too.

Finally I turned towards my dad. His approval and praise was tough to get especially when it came to me it seemed like. Anything Rose did my dad was proud of, she was his little girl. But me? That's a different story.

Safe to say when my dad pulled me in for a hug I was taken back by his words, "You did a good job kiddo." I smiled and hugged him back.

"Thank you guys so much for coming and for supporting me not just today but this entire time. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all of you." I tell them all as tears start to form in my eyes. My mom pulled us all into one more group hug.

"So what are you girls planning to celebrate the big day?" My mom asked as we walked out to the cars. "Nothing special I'll probably just grab some food on the way home and watch movies tonight."

Darcy and Rose gasped at my answer. "There is no way you're spending your night watching romance movies on your couch by yourself. You just graduated college, you should be out celebrating and partying it up before you go out into the adult world!" My little sister exclaimed. My mom gasped at her younger daughter, giving her a disapproving look.

"Iz, Rose is right! We are not going to stay home tonight. Come on there's a party at Mitchell's house we got invited to. I already told them we were both going to be there. You can't bail on me now. We only have so many more opportunities to go out together before you start your big girl life! Pleaseeeeee come!!" Darcy begged.

"They're right Iz, enjoy this time with your friends. You have your whole life ahead of you to stay in and be responsible. Go out and live a little!" My mom told me. I reluctantly nodded my head and all three of them squealed, clearly satisfied that they convinced me.

We all said our goodbyes in the parking lot. My dad, mom, and Rose in one car since they're going back home tonight and me and Darcy in the other.

I still wasn't sure about this whole party thing especially since it's at Mitchell's house but I figured I could go for a little and then dip out without Darcy or anyone else noticing.

The whole car ride home Darcy rambled on and on about the outfits she had in mind for us tonight, how we're going to do our hair and makeup, and which hot frat boys she's hoping will be there tonight.

I'm happy that she is excited about this, parties have always been more her scene than mine. I'm just not confident like her around anyone, let alone boys. That's why my game plan is to keep my head down and only converse with the few people I do know.

I don't need any crazy stories to tell to my grandkids in forty years. I just want to get through the night.

I should've known that going with Darcy was going to be anything but low key. 

Author's Note:

Hi babes!! I know this is starting kind of slow but I promise it will pick up in the next few chapters! 

As always if you have questions/comments/suggestions please please feel free to comment or message me!! 

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