Chapter 4: Unrecognizable

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Charlie's POV

Owen holding out his hand to help me up snapped me out of my thoughts. I shook my head to bring myself back to reality, took his hand, and pulled myself off the ground.

"Dude what was that? That chick totally bulldozed you over and then you just sat there in this trance for like 5 minutes" Owen questioned me. I shook my head at him, "I-I don't know, one minute I'm about to open up the door and the next she's apologizing and running away." I turned towards the driveway and saw a small figure in the distance, she must've stopped running. "I didn't even get her name."

Owen patted my back and started to make his way back into the house. I followed behind him.

When we entered we saw another girl running towards the door. She was looking around and asking everyone if they had seen her friend.

She stopped Owen as soon as she saw us walk in, "Hey you guys were just outside right?" we both nodded, "Did you happen to see a girl run out just a few minutes ago? She had a red shirt on? I can't find her and I heard shouting from upstairs but I didn't get there in time." The girl spoke so quickly I don't think she even took a breath.

Owen spoke up before I had the chance, "Hey hey it's okay. I think your friend ran down the street. She was in a hurry when she left, knocked my buddy Charlie here right off his feet but we didn't get a chance to ask if she's okay."

She hugged both of us quickly, "Thank you so much. I'm sorry I need to go find her. She's walking home alone right now and it's literally midnight." She was now crying. "Oh my god, what if something happens to her? This is all my fault I shouldn't have made her come tonight."

"I'm sure she doesn't blame you. Do you want us to walk you home or help you find her?" I asked the girl. She shook her head no, "It's only a few blocks I'll be okay but I really do appreciate your guys' help. I'm Darcy by the way. I promise I'm not usually this hysterical, I'm just worried about her."

Owen chuckled slightly, "That's understandable, I'd be worried if I didn't know where this idiot was. I'm Owen by the way." He stuck his hand out to her. She blushed a little before shaking it back. I decided to butt in and introduce myself too. "I'm Charlie! I hope your friend is okay. She seemed pretty upset when she ran out here."

She smiled at us, "It was nice to meet you guys. See you around" And with that she took off down the street to find her friend.

You dumbass you still don't know her name.

"Dude can you believe she didn't recognize us?" Owen looked at me excitedly. "Bro, the show hasn't even come out yet how would they recognize us?" I responded back with a laugh.

"Oh I guess you're right. But I was on Nick for a few shows and she could have known me from that!!" He threw his hands up in the air. I just laughed and patted his back. "Trust me man, there'll be plenty of time for girls to recognize you in a few months. Let's just hope we see them again."

On that note, we walked into the living room and grabbed a few drinks. Maybe the party will help me get the mystery girl off my mind. 

Izzy's POV

I stopped running about a block out from the house. I couldn't catch my breath between the lack of exercising I do on the daily and the uncontrollable sobs, I was finding it really hard to breathe right now. I slowed my pace to a walk and tried to even out my breathing. I can't believe I was stupid enough to think Mitchell wasn't going to pull that shit.

My brain can't even fathom how he could think I was flirting with Patrick and even worse that I was trying to make him jealous.

I felt disgusted. Every part of my body that his grimy hands touched felt filthy. All I wanted to do was take a long shower and scrub my body raw.

Ordinary - Charlie GillespieМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя