"And my hero."

Bucky pulled you in for another hug and you just fell into him, resting you head on his chest, closing your eyes and listening to his heart beat; slow and steady.

"Right" Bucky kissed the top of your head and pulled back, "I've got stuff to do, so I shall see you later for lunch?"

"Yeah." You nodded, "What stuff you doing?"

"I'm gonna go comb my hero hair." He raised an eyebrow and ran his fingers through his hair.

You smiled as he opened your bedroom door and you watched your best friend walk out, closing the door behind him.

What Clint said yesterday made its way back into your mind. You quickly opened the door and walked out, Bucky at his bedroom door. "Bucky, do you see yourself as a hero?"

He turned and looked at you confused, "Yeah, I guess. Why?"

"If you had to choose between saving me or a thousand random people you didn't know, who would you save?"

Without thinking, without a hesitation, he answered. "You."

"Really? All those people and their families; but you'd save me?"

"Yeah." He walked back over to you and leaned against the wall in front of you, "I wouldn't want to carry on if I knew I had the chance of saving you and didn't. Sometimes you've got to be selfish."


Later that day, Bruce called you in to talk. No one else was in the room when you arrived, just him. "Who else is coming?"

"No one." He stood up from the computer desk and walked round to the medical table, "please shut the door."

You frowned and slowly shut the door behind you. "What's this about?"

He motioned for you to sit on the medical table as he sat on a chair next to it. "I wanted to talk to you about this in private first. And then you can decide whether you tell the others or not."

"OK, Bruce you're scaring me." You stood next to him but he motioned for you to sit down again. So you jumped onto the table, your heart in your throat. He clicked the computer and an image of dots came on the screen, "what is it?"

He sighed, "it's your blood work. Based on the rate of destabilising, I predict you have around 24 hours of super serum left."


"You OK?"

You nodded, not actually sure if you were. You knew the serum was becoming less and less, but you didn't feel it happening. In your mind, maybe not knowing meant you could pretend it was there still.... still be strong. Still be fast. Still be useful.

"I can test a bit now for you, if you want?" Bruce looked up to you sympathetically.

You didn't spend a lot of time with him, but he was a good man. He was kind and caring; always so gentle with you, like he thought you were going to break.

Bruce took some blood and you waited on the table for the results....

Bucky was at the main doors when he saw you coming down the stairs, skipping as many as you could at a time.

You got to Bucky and grabbed his hand, pulling him away from the doors, "thought we were going for lunch!?"

"Skipping it."

"But I'm hungry."

"You can eat after." You burst open the gym doors and let him go once you got to the mats. "Come on, let's train."

"Not on an empty stomach."

"Please Bucky." Never able to say no to you, you took his jacket off and went into a pocket, "No. Hand to hand."

He sighed, "OK." He took the knives out his pocket and threw them on the floor away from the both of you, "are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Come on, let's go."

It didn't take long for Bucky to pin you down on the mats, again and again. "Are you even trying?" Bucky teased but you were in no mood for it.

You jumped back up and went for another round. Bucky grabbed your waist, spinning you close to him and grabbed your throat with his metal hand, pushing you down on your back and pinning you there, "give in?"

His hand wasn't that tight around your throat, but you needed to prove to yourself... "grip me tighter." He frowned and slightly tightened his grip on your throat, "more! If I can speak it's not tight enough!" You shouted angrily at him.

Bucky gripped tighter, your airway slightly blocked but still able to breath slightly. You grabbed Buckys arm and wrist, trying to pull him off you, but not having the strength.

Buckys face changed to concern as he let go of you. You took in a couple deep breaths as tears formed.

"You asked me to! I'm sorry!" He sat you up and sat next to you, pulling you in for a hug.

You stayed there for a moment but then realised what had happened. You screamed and pushed him away, pushing yourself up to your feet and walking away.

"What the fuck, Y/N!?" He shouted after you, "you asked me to!"

"Yeah, I know I did!" You screamed back, pushing the gym doors open and walking down the hall, Bucky hot on your heels.

"Then why the fuck are you pissed off at me for!?" He grabbed your arm and spin you round to look at him

"I'm not!" You shouted in his face, tears streaming down your cheeks. "I'm not." You said quieter this time.

"What the hell is going on?" Bucky sighed and wrapped his arms around you.

You sobbed against his chest, breaking down and unable to stand any longer. Your legs turned to jelly but Bucky held you up, moving his arm under your knees, lifting you up and taking you back into the gym.

He leaned against the wall and slid down, holding you close to him. "What's wrong? Please tell me." He whispered leaning his head on yours.

"Im useless." You sobbed

"What? No you're not." Bucky lifted your head up to look at him, "you're amazing. You know that? The most amazingly strong person I've ever met."

"As of 40 minutes ago, I have 20 hours of serum left." You swallowed hard, holding back more tears. "After that, I'm just some weak, useless, little girl."

"Oh." Bucky sighed and held you close again, wrapping his arms tighter around you so you were safe. "You wanted to move my arm." You nodded against his chest, "test how much strength you had." You nodded again. "Oh, Y/N."

You stayed like that for ages, what felt like hours. Being with Bucky always made you feel so safe and secure, he'd always make sure you were OK. Always try cheer you up. And you wish you knew why.

"Let's get some lunch, my treat." Bucky smiled when you finally finished crying.

"Fine." You sighed and you both got up, "Damn, my trainers are still in Steve's car."

You both walked to the garage and over to Steve's car. Opening the drivers side door you climbed in and looked over to the passenger seat. Not there. You leaned over to the back seats and saw them on the floor. You leaned over a little more and something caught your eye near them.

You frowned picking up your trainers and throwing them out the door to Bucky, "whoa! Could've warned me!"

"Hang on!" You shouted back. "What the hell!?" You half whispered but Bucky heard.

"What's up?" He asked as you came out the car, wide eyed and holding a pair of women's underwear. "How could you forget your underwear?" Bucky laughed.

"They're not mine."

Fight For You - Avengers POVOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora