"Do you even have a license?"

"Do you really want to know?"

Stiles bit his lip. "No."

Rachel gripped the steering wheel tightly, thanking hell that her brother had chosen a low car as she rounded a corner. Anything over 5 feet tall surely would've rolled sideways & killed them all. Once again, the brunette checked her mirrors, noticing that Kate was gaining on them.

"Does this thing go any faster?" Stiles queried, leaning forward between the two seats.

Rachel's gaze flickered down to the speedometer, before locking back on the road in front of her. She hadn't hit the maximum speed listed yet, but her limited knowledge of cars struck a minor worry. What if the engine overheated? That was a problem Derek could deal with later. Right now - they need to get the hell away from Kate. "We're about to find out."

"Wait!" Scott insisted, looking back over his shoulder. "She's gone."

Stiles clicked on the walkie talkie, already tuned into the police's station. A familiar voice echoed over the system, raising Rachel's annoyance level from 99.9% done, to completely fucking done.

"All units, suspect is on foot heading into the iron works."


Stiles was more than certain that Rachel didn't have a license. Whether it be constantly turning on the windshield wipers, or the way she swerved to a stop & nearly crashed into a support beam; he had many, many reasons. The tires skidded to a somewhat-stop, emitting a loud screech as Scott pushed the door open. The teen wolf climbed over the seat & into the back with Stiles, whilst Rachel screamed at her brother. "Get in, loser!"

Derek jumped into the passengers seat, slamming the door behind him. A flash bolt arrow sparkled against the ground he'd been standing on seconds ago as Rachel sped off.

"Is this really a time to quote Mean Girls?" The werewolf glared at his sister, breathing heavily.

"There's always time to quote Mean Girls." Rachel shot back, pressing her foot harder on the gas pedal to purposely jolt everyone back. The brunette narrowed her eyes, raising her voice, "and we agreed to find the alpha together."

"Dammit Rachel, I had him! I wasn't going to miss the opportunity."

"Wait, the alpha?" Stiles interrupted, leaning forward between the bickering siblings.

"Yes! He was right in front of me & the fricken' police showed up." Derek huffed angrily. That was the closest he'd been to the alpha, and still, the monster managed to escape. Despite Rachel's moderate fury, she couldn't blame him. If it were her, she would've done the same thing.

"Woah, hey, they're just doing their jobs-"

Derek ignored Stiles, (as usual) instead turning his glare to Scott. "Yeah, thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state."

"Can we seriously just get past that?" Scott groaned, leaning back against the seat. "I made a dumbass mistake, I get it."

"Yeah, you made a very dumbass mistake." Rachel remarked. She still hadn't even begun to forgive Scott for completely throwing Derek under the bus. Actually, screw buses. He practically threw him under the fucking Titanic.

"Alright." Stiles leaned forward between Derek & Rachel once again. "How did you find him? And how much do you actually know?"

Rachel laughed dryly. "A lot more than you."

Stiles stared at her blankly, wondering why she'd kept so many secrets. He thought she joined them when she went against Derek to help teach Scott control, but apparently he thought wrong. Truth is, Rachel just had no faith in her brother's teaching capabilities.

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