"I thought about you," he says quietly, his voice sounds amazing on the phone.

"You did?" I blush deeply and turn my face away from Kev.

"Yeah, a lot. All the time actually...and the bathroom thing." 

"Really?" I'm whispering into the phone that's cradled under my chin now. I pull a cushion up to my face and hide behind it. 

"Really, you definitely...er...do things Sam," he murmurs, it sounds like his mouth is pressed against the mouthpiece, and his voice is so deep.

"So do you, to me I mean" I breathe. I'm breathless, either from talking to Eddie or from covering my face with a cushion. 

"Are you going to be long behind that cushion Sam?" Kev shouts loudly. I give him a death glare.

"Sorry, just my roommate being an idiot," I explain into the phone and throw my cushion at Kev's head.

"Why are you behind a cushion?" Eddie laughs.

"I'm not, I'...er it's just quite difficult to get any privacy around here," I need to change the subject, "so my friend Becky, remember from the bar?"

"How could I forget."

"Well, she'd like to say thank you to all of you. She's really grateful for what you did," I pause waiting for a reaction. For some reason I feel nervous. When Eddie doesn't respond I carry on talking. "I thought maybe you'd all like to come to mine, this weekend on Saturday perhaps?" I'm trying to keep it as loose as possible.

"Your house?" Eddie repeats back to me.

"Here?" Kev mouths at me. I nod at him.

"Yeah, just like a small gathering, so that she can meet you and say thanks. She doesn't really want to go out to a club or bar yet."

"No, of course not. I can understand why," Eddie says slowly.

"Yes, so would you want to? Maybe this weekend?" I wait anxiously for him to answer.

"I'd love to," Eddie says finally and I hear him smiling again, "let me just check with the guys." I hear the phone muffled and Eddie's voice shouting in the distance, then I hear several enthusiastic sounding responses and I laugh.

"Should I take that as a yes?" I smile.

"Yeah, of course we'll be there, sounds cool," Eddie says.

"Ok, well I'll see you Saturday?" I say, moving to put the phone down.

"Oh, ok."

"What? Is that not ok?" I worry he's changed his mind.

"No that's good, I just...well I wondered if you were doing anything?"

"When?" I grin. He's asking me out I think.


"Right now?" I look at Kev who's gesticulating animatedly at his watch and at the screen and dramatically threatening to unpause the film.

"Er.... just watching a movie, drinking wine. Usual Tuesday stuff."

"Want some company?" 

Do I? Do I want some company from Eddie? Yes. Yes I think I do.

"Do you want to come and keep me company?" I giggle. Kev looks pissed, so pissed that he unpauses the movie. 

"I could be there in 20 mins," Eddie teases. My toes have automatically squeezed into balls from excitement. 

"I'll see you in 20 then."

"Ok. Bye Sam, see you soon" He says and hangs up. I'm ashamed to admit I let out a little squeal.

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