Your smile grew, and so did your excitement. You knew this trip would be great.

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"Let's grab something to eat before we leave. It's gonna be a couple more hours until we get there." Childe said, stretching his arms back.

"What are you in the mood for?" You asked, yawning.

"You~!" He replied, smirking.

"Food, you idiot!" You laughed, punching his arm lightly.

"Ow, I was joking meanie! Anyways, how about Wendy's?" He chuckled.

"Yumm! Let's go!" You shouted, running over and dragging your suitcase along behind you.

Childe quickly followed, dropping his stuff next to a table before grabbing his wallet and going up the counter. He ordered food for the both of you, and waited for a few minutes before it was ready.

He grabbed everything, bringing it over to the table you two had. You moved over so he would sit beside you after putting everything down.

"Woow you want me next to you instead of across from you?? I see you, (n/n)~!" He teased.

"Shut up or you're gonna be my chair instead!" You chuckled.

"Hey, I don't mind that." He smirked.

"You are so weird." You laughed.

"Rude! Here's your food, though. Once we're done we can get ready to go!" He cheered.

The two of you stopped talking for a little bit, focusing on eating instead. The plane ride, as quick as it felt, had been a few hours, so your stomachs were begging for food.

Childe was the first to finish, so he threw away any trash before sitting next to you again.

"Oi, (Y/n)?"

You hummed in response, looking over to him.

"Do you like snow?"

You nodded, finishing the last of your food.

"That's good, there's a lot of it here." He chuckled.

Childe grabbed his bags, following you after you grabbed yours and threw your trash away.

"So are we renting a car or getting an uber driver?" You asked.

"Renting. It'll be easier than waiting for someone to come everytime we need to go somewhere." He replied.

"True." You yawned.

Childe chuckled, grabbing your hand. He began swinging your hands back and forth in the sir, making both of you laugh.

The two of you continued walking hand in hand out of the airport and to the car rental area. The process took a little while, but eventually everything got finished, the car was yours as long as you needed.

The man who helped you handed Childe the keys.

"Safe travels!" He smiled.

Both of you thanked him, waking to the car and packing your bags in the trunk. Once you were set to go, you learned against the car, waiting for Childe.

Once he had all his stuff out away, he came over to you instead of getting in the car.

"Ready?" You asked, smiling.

"Almost. I need a hug first since I'll have to go awhile without one~!" He whined.

You laughed as he threw his arms around you. You hugged back, and the both of you stood there holding each other for a few minutes.

"Alright I think I'll be okay now.. wanna be the DJ?" He chuckled.

"Uh yeAh, is that even a question?" You laughed, sitting in the car.

He jogged over to his side, sitting down, and getting himself ready. You did the same, buckling in and adjusting to a more comfortable position.

Once both of you were set, radio on and all, he began to drive.

"Teucer, Tonia, and Anthon, here we come!" He smiled.

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this feelezzzz very rushed too my brain is completely fried sorry this hasn't been checked for mistakes 🙏

anyways can we talk about beidou bc😫😼😫

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