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"...Can I help you?" You asked, opening your eyes.

"Hurry up, you're taking to long!" he whined.

"You're a different annoying than demons I've heard of from other stories."

"Rude.. I'm hotter too though, you know." He said with a wink, and finger guns.

You rolled your eyes, and finally thought of a first question.

"Why haven't you killed me yet? Don't demons... Do that?"

"Not all of us do. Plus, I haven't been summoned in awhile, so I'm interested in humans I suppose." he shrugged.

"Ah, interesting.. Where are you before you're summoned? Some demon waiting room?"

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Not quite. Though there is a place where we can all see each other if we'd like, usually most of us are off doing our own thing."

"What do you do when you're alone?"

"Do you really wanna know?" he replied, with a flirty tone.

He wiggled his eyebrows. You shivered.

"Don't make me call an exorcist, Childe."

You meant it as a joke, though it seemed that he took it as anything but.

"Thinking about that hurts! Literally!" he shouted.

"How so? You've been exorcised before?"

He nodded quickly, and acted as though it was the most horrifying subject to speak of.

"It was awhile ago, right after I became what I am now. I wanted this pretty lady's attention, so I pretended to be human for a bit. We finally started getting serious, and she invited me to her house. One of her friends was coming over for dinner... Turns out the dude was a sort of ghost Hunter, I guess?"

He paused, grimacing. Must've been from remembering the details.

"And then...?" You trailed off, interested in his story.

"Well, to say the least, that is one of the most painful things I've experienced in my time. It's almost like you're being ripped apart, limb from limb. Even after recovery, you're still a bit sore. Thinking about it just..." He makes a dramatic, horrified face.

"Well, don't hurt me and I guess I have no need to do such a thing." You said, drinking some (F/D).

"Like I said, some of us don't really do that type of thing. I would never hurt someone so gorgeous."

He winked, and you choked on your drink. You started laughing at his disappointment.

"The audacity. Here I call you gorgeous, and I can't even get a compliment back!"

He started making 'sad' poses, and fake crying.

Even once your laughing fit was over, he was still dramatically sulking on your counter. You sighed, holding in your laughter, and decided to just go along with it.

"Well if it makes you feel better, I guess you look alright."

"Alright? Just alright?! Hmph."

He crossed his arms, and sat on the counter. You walked over and stood in front of him, crossing your arms as well.


You couldn't help but hold in a laugh after saying this, and watch him act childish.

He looked at you.

"Are you making fun of me?"


"Why you little- Maybe I should punish you for this." He smirked, trying to be seductive.


You slowly backed up, and stared at him. He lifted his hands up in the air as if he was going to try and catch you.

Oh no.

"So you ARE an incubus then?! Liar!" You shouted, making a run for it again.

He chased you around your couch, and then around your kitchen Island, all the way back to your bedroom.

You backed up, right into a corner, covering your face with your arms. He walked up right in front of you, moved them away, and come closer until both your noses were touching.

"Once again wrong, sweetheart. Buuut if that's what you really want, I wouldn't mind becoming one." He growled.

You stared at each other. Then it came to you. A realization of the power you held.

You took the business card out from your pocket. It was the one you'd received from the man at the Ghost shop, so it probably had to do something with exorcising demons. Especially with the way he talked, as if you told him yourself that your plan was to summon one.

"That's it, I'm exorcising you."

This time you smirked, holding it right in front of his eyes.

"Just wait until I get ahold of this Xiao guy, you're toast!"

He read the card, screeched, and started running back into your kitchen.

You quickly trailed him, listening to his terrified screeching all the way into the kitchen.

"So you ruin the mood and threaten me? I don't think so!"

You chased after him and watched him grab your phone.

"Oi you better give that back! I was joking, you know!"

He didn't budge, and decided to levitate. You grabbed at him, but decided to stop as it wasn't working. He laughed at your failed attempts, lowering himself back to the ground.

"I'll give you this..." He held your phone out.

"On one condition!" He whispered, seemingly proud of his idea.

"And that would be?"

"I think you know already."

He carelessly floated around on his back, arms out, phone in hand.

"A kiss, I assume?" You sighed.

He grinned, sitting back down on thee counter.

"So, you want your phone back or not?"
★            ❤️             ★            ❤️             ★

we're back in business 👰😖

okay so who would you all like to see in the story more? like as someone major i guess

obviously lumine and aether will already be important when they return, but who else should we have here?

anyways there might be another update later/tmrrw because i feel like writing for some reason >:)

‶Bored'• Demon Childe × ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz