eighteen 🦎

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thank you everyone for over 5k reads and like 175 votes, ily all and the support this has so far is giving me a lot of motivation to keep writing it and even do other stuff that i just couldn't make myself do

so thank you all so much <3
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Childe looked down at your sleeping face, admiring how cute it was. He couldn't help but to smile to himself.

It was currently very early in the morning and he wasn't very tired. All he wanted to do was hold you close to him until you woke up.

He was afraid he would wake you up by bringing you closer to him, but he couldn't help it. His arms made their way around you as he moved closer and laid his face next to yours.

As he was moving around to get comfortable, your were woken up. A tired groan made its way out, and he looked at you with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. Shouldn't have waited until after you fell asleep, huh?" He whispered.

You just hummed in agreement, giving a small smile. Much to his surprise, you wrapped your own arms around his neck and buried your face in his chest.

He closed his eyes, holding you tightly before kissing the top of your head and saying goodnight.

You dozed off once again, probably dreaming about the days to come with Lumine and Aether.

Once he was sure you were asleep, he began to whisper knowing you wouldn't hear it.

"I know it hasn't been long, but I really do think I love you~."

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Childe decided not to wake you up as he did last time, and instead let you sleep. He moved around slightly, trying not to wake you like he had a couple hours before. It was only 5 AM.

He tried to remove your arms from around him in order to be more comfortable, but it seemed your sleeping self wouldn't let that happen. You tried to hold him tighter.

He snickered and moved your arms. It wasn't hard for obvious reasons. He had to cover his mouth so he wouldn't laughed as you started growling in your sleep. (speaking hilichurl🙏)

He calmed himself and moved himself so he was laying comfortably. You scared him by groaning, making him think he accidentally woke you up. You, however, just rolled over onto your other side.

This made him smile. He then wrapped his arms around you again, bringing himself closer to you.

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You yawned, opening your eyes slowly. In front of you was Childe, good looking as ever. It took him a moment to realize you were now awake.

"Ohh look who's up~, good afternoon!" He greeted.

"Good morning stinky." You responded, yawning again.

"Meeean!" He pouted.

You laughed quietly and took a moment to register what was happening. Once again, you were being held by Childe, though you didn't mind.

It was nice. You stopped yourself from smiling so he wouldn't tease you for it.

"So any plans today, lovely? What're we doin?"

You thought about it for a second. There wasn't really much to do today, and you hadn't planned anything the day before.

"I don't know, can't think of anything. What do you want to do?"

He closed his eyes, and you cocked a brow. He grinned, opening his eyes to see you.

"Got an idea there?"

"Yup, this!" He chuckled.

He then quickly pulled you close, his arms still around your waist. One of his hands made its way to your head, running his fingers through your hair. You froze up for a second.

"What's the meaning of this, Childe?!" You questioned, causing both of you to laugh.

"Well you couldn't come up with anything else, soOo I want to stay in bed with you for now!"

You sighed, yet still smiled.

"I guess that's okay."

"Good because I had another idea but I don't think you would want to do that one~!" He whispered suggestively.

"Stop trying to seduce me!" You shouted.

"I'm kidding!" He laughed, holding you even closer.

You gave in, wrapping your own arms around him like you had hours before. Your face was now in front of his once again, as he looked you in the eyes.

He kissed your forehead, causing you flick his. You were slightly blushing, however both of you were laughing together.

"You're a pretty cool friend, you know."

Though he wished he was more than that, he smiled and told you that you were as well.

"I didn't know what to expect with you being a demon, but you remind me a lot of Lumine in ways, like how we mess with each other.. It's fun!"

"So you and Lumine flirt with each other?" He was now curious.

"No no not like that, just like as a joke!"

You thought about all the times that and Lumine had messed with each other like you and Childe were now. The only difference being the feelings you had towards the odd man.

You were still quite confused yourself, but continued brushing it all off.

"Hmm.. I can't wait to meet your friends, maybe we'll have a race to win your heart~!"

He chuckled as you snorted, thinking about how funny it would be though it definitely wouldn't happen.

"Just so you know, Lumi would win."

He gasped, pulling away from you.

"Now that's rude! After all I've done for you!" He whined.

"Hey come back here!"

He was surprised as you said this, laughing and rolling closer to him. You decided to mess around with him this time, and sat up.

He looked at you in confusion, trying to pull you back down next to him. However, you slipped out of his arms.

"You bully me and won't even give me a hug?!" He whined.

"Nope! You know what you get instead~?" You replied, bringing your face close to his.

Your noses were almost touching. His eyes widened, and you just smiled while holding in your laughter.

"What?" He asked, cheeks slightly pink with a smirk on his face.

You paused for a second wanting him to wait in suspense. It looked like he wanted to lean in and go for it, so you finally responded.

"Nothing!" You yelled, getting up and running out of the room.

"Now you come back here! I'm gonna get back at you for that just wait!" He shouted, jumping up.

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i keep getting so many childe fic ideas help do i write them uHaAJHEHS

sorry if this is bad i finished the last half at like 1 am ahhhhAA

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