twenty six

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Working up your courage, you began your walk to the ghost shop. The drawing Childe gifted you was in your hand for comfort.

It was a pretty nice day, very similar to the day you'd gone out with Childe. You thought about it quite a lot.

A feeling of fear continued building up in you as you walked. You had no reason to he afraid of Xiao, but you knew he'd have some type of judgement to your request. It wouldn't hurt to try, though. This was the only thing you could think of.

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Xiao turned his head towards the door, watching you walk in. He recognized you seeing as the shop wasn't the most popular place, not many new faces every week.

He noticed how nervous you were, playing with your sleeves as you walked in front of the counter. You took a breath before speaking.

"I need your help... It's not what you think, though." You gulped.

"If not that, what would you need my help with?" He asked, calmly.

"Rather than get rid of him.. I need you to help bring him back. I'll do whatever I can-"

"First of all, what reason would you have for a request such as this? Second of all, I'm sure you know this is dangerous and risky. What it sounds like you're asking is no easy task for anyone with little knowledge." He cut you off, a serious tone. 

"If need be, I can explain everything. However, like I said, I'm willing to do anything I have to. It wouldn't be only beneficial to me, but him and others." You replied sternly.

Xiao's eyes met yours, not leaving. He knew there was no getting you to back down from your energy alone. He would try to stop you, though, for your own protection.

"Tell your story then. What reason would you have for wanting my help with something such as this?" He asked, leaning back in his chair.

"We got close quickly, even after such a short time. It felt like losing your closest friend. That was the only reason he left too, a misunderstanding with my other friends." You paused.

He cocked a brow, waiting for you to go on. You took notice to this, quickly giving your other reason. The main reason, more important than your own.

"I want him to be able to see his family. His younger siblings, to be exact." You waited.

"Go on." He pressed.

"Well, he admitted to me that he'd been selfish and wanted to be greater than an average human. In conclusion, he left his siblings and allowed a demon to.. You know? I'm not sure how it works, but I know he regrets his decision. The way he cares for them.. He must've been a great brother, so I need your help to reunite them." You finished.

Xiao, who wouldn't think twice before turning down such a request as yours, actually sat and thought about it. He did indeed feel bad, though he wanted to know more. So he asked, and you explained. What had happened for you to come to him.

Though it wasn't obvious by his expressions, he was shocked. You managed to summon a demon who wasn't murderous and vengeful.

He still wasn't sure he'd help you. He knew how to, but it would take time, patience, and a sacrifice of sorts.

"Listen, you've gotten yourself into a risky situation. It's better you came to me rather than trying to resummon him, so be glad you aren't an idiot. However, I don't know if I will help. I'll think about it, but you should as well. Give me your number. I'll call you when I make my decision, so make yours soon." He stated, handing you a pen and paper

"My mind is made up. I'll be waiting.. Thank you." You replied, smiling and writing your number for him.

He took the paper, nearly folding it into his pocket. He took note of the small doodle in your hand which he noticed when you turned to leave.

The bell rang once again as you exited the shop. Xiao sighed to himself, picking up a book from the desk.

"What have they gotten themselves into.." He mumbled.

★            ❤️             ★            ❤️             ★

sorry these filler chapters may be shorter than usual <3

also, anything that happens in the near future is fake. i don't know how selling yourself and getting it back works, or if you even can. it's just for fic purposes guyss😿😽😿

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