thirty one

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thinking about sexyback x home depot its so perfect

★            ❤️             ★            ❤️             ★

"Man, some Britney Spears would be nice right now." You sighed.

Talking to yourself was the only way to keep yourself from becoming more frightened, and also made the trip much less boring.

Suddenly, off in the distance, toxic started playing.


You continued walking, eventually singing part of the song yourself as it kept playing. You'd walked for about 20 minutes on the path, and it seemed to lead nowhere. Other than Britney, the voices Signora spoke of were seemingly nonexistent.

There had been footprints that went on and off the trail every once in awhile, pretty big ones too. They went odd trail again, and you hadn't seen them in a little while, so whatever it was must have left.

★                             ★                             ★

Signora was laughing mess. Scaramouche had convinced her to let him lead a huge demon-monster thing towards the path you were on, and let it chase you around.

For the two of them it was the most entertaining thing they'd seen in quite awhile. For you, it was pretty much exactly the opposite.

Currently, you were running for your life and had no idea that anyone was behind it. The only thing you knew was that the thing chasing you was more than likely who the big footprints belonged to.

The demon was the size of multiple of you put together, but it was slower than you. You only had to get it to lose track of you for an escape, and so you decided on leaving the path.

The warning Signora gave was still fresh in your mind, but obviously if this was happening then she was probably lying about something. Should have listened to Xiao.

As the next opening into a deeper part of the woods came up, you quickly turned into it. It ended up being a small, yet steep hill. You tripped on a twig and rolled down the rest of the way unintentionally. Luckily, you weren't injured at all.

The demon was more careful than you, choosing where to step rather than sprinting down like it's life depended on it. You took this as a chance to get up and run away, hiding behind some bushes.

It eventually made its way down, loudly stomping around and crushing twigs beneath itself. You listened as it came close, then farther, and eventually back up the hill.

The path would remain unused by you for now, then. Getting up, you made sure you still had the drawing before walking off in some random direction.

"Can I get some more Britney?"

★                             ★                             ★

You'd finally found your own way out if the demon infested woods. You had another encounter with the big guy. He'd gotten close to you, but for some reason got scared our of nowhere and ran off.

Two wins for you, zero for it.

Your new surroundings were more open, and less forest filled. The snow was deeper here, which wasn't really good for you at the moment.

This didn't stop you, though. You continued walking and walking until you reached a cave. It was just an average cave, perfect to take a rest in.

Without giving a second thought, you walked right in. Though it wasn't a deep cave, the light seemed to be disappearing. You stopped walking for a second, turning around.

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