seven ;)

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"You're so desperate."

He put his hand over his chest, acting offended at your joke.

"And I thought we had something going on here!" He sighed.

"We just met like.. today?"

He leaned back, arm over his face.

"My dear, sweet (Y/n), haven't you heard of love at first sight?"

You scoffed. He stared at you from under his arm, still holding your phone in his hand.

"Fine, I give up." You threw your arms up in defeat.

He jumped up, all excited like a kid who got told they were going to Disneyland.

"Alright then, one kiss right on the lips for me, yeah?"

He walked up to you, pointing to his lips. You looked away from him, and he watched you for a few seconds, before he spoke up again. Your face started to turn a little pink, probably from embarrassment.

"Is someone shyyy? How cute." He teased.

You took a chance to grab your phone, almost getting it. But you didn't. He pulled it up and away, farther than it was before.

"Alright, alright." You groaned.

He grinned again, coming close to you. Still holding your phone high in one hand, he put his other hand on your cheek.

"Well then, what're we waiting for?" he chucked.

"You're coming to find the guy at the ghost shop with me?"

His eyes widened as he backed away from you, as fast as possible.

"I thought we agreed not to do thIS?!"

His voice cracked towards the end of it. You snorted, taking a step towards him and crossing your arms.

"Well if you keep being a nuisance then I'll have to break the agreement."

"Me, a nuisance? Eh?!"

This time you chuckled, holding your hand out. You expected your phone to be put in it, however a hand was placed instead.

"I knew you loved me, we're holding hands now!" he teased again.

"I do not. Now, hand over the phone or else I'll go get the man!" You threatened, moving your hand away from his.

Of course it was still a joke, but he did give back your phone. He closed his eyes, acting as if he was sad.

"You still owe me a kiss one day, sweetheart."

"For what reason? You took my phone, dummy!"

He cracked an eye open, chuckling.

"Judy because."

He shrugged, giving you a grin with his eyes closed.

"Yeah yeah." You jokingly rolled your eyes.

"Ooh, well then since you said yeah yourself, I'll be waiting!"

He gave you a smirk, while you went and sat back on the countertop. You were trying to think of something fun to do, to ease your boredom again.

"What do you do for fun? Any ideas on what we should do for the rest of the day?"

He came over and pulled a chair in front of you, sitting down. It would seem he was thinking as he made one of his dramatic poses again.

"Well I could take you to the demon waiting room... Actually that should wait until we're a little more used to each other. If you get lost and I can't find you, there's no telling what would happen!"

"That doesn't sound good." You responded, frowning a little.

He chuckled, nodding his head. Then he smiled at you.

"I'll take you one day if you want, I just don't think you're quite ready yet."

You smiled back, thinking of more questions to ask him. If there wasn't you could think of yet, might as we keep getting to know each other.

"Have you ever brought someone in there before? And how would I get lost anyways?"

His smile faded a little, signaling it must've been a touchy subject to ask about.

"Sorry, you don't have to answer. I didn't realize it could be a personal question." You gave him a comforting smile.

He smiled back in appreciation for understanding.

"Maybe I'll answer that one day, but as for your second question.. Let me think of a way to explain this."

He closed his eyes, again making a dramatic thinking pose. You rolled your eyes again.

'Maybe hanging with a demon won't be so bad.'

★            ❤️             ★            ❤️             ★

okay, some family came to visit so this is a day later then expected. sorry, hope you all enjoy though :)

‶Bored'• Demon Childe × ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora