thirty six

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hi high supremacy 🙏
but also heat😪

uhm also sorry it's been a couple days but i had a few assignments which was stressful and it left me without writing time for a couple days ;(

anyways i accidentally read zhongli smut bc i scrolled past the warning too fast and im traumatized ❕😫
★            ❤️             ★            ❤️             ★

"Hey, Childe?"

He hummed in response, slightly smiling.

"Have you heard of loona?"

"Hmm... Can't say that I have. You gonna put them on?"

"You bet I am!" You laughed.

Childe turned the radio up even louder than it was before as hi high began to play. He hummed along as he continued to hear more of it while you were singing your heart out.

During the chorus, he did somehow manage to sing along which was fun.

For the remainder of the car ride, you continued introducing him to more loona songs. He enjoyed them all, telling you that one day you'd see them live together.

★                             ★                             ★

The car finally came to a stop. Childe decided on parking down the street first, just so his siblings wouldn't be afraid before knowing it was him.

You got out of the car quickly, walking over to Childe, stretching and yawning. He did the same before pulling you into a hug. 

The two of you stood there for a little while before you spoke.

"Are you nervous? I thought you'd probably be running to the door by now." You laughed.

"Not quite nervous, but I feel like they may be a little upset with me for not speaking to them in awhile." He replied, a small smile.

"They're going to be just as happy to see you as you are to see them. Even if they're upset, I don't think it will last very long." You chuckled.

He pulled away from the hug, now looking at you.

"You're right. Well then, shall we?" He smiled, ruffling your hair before taking your hand.

The both of you looked at each other before dashing down the street. Childe continued leading you down farther until you'd made it back to their house. You two wasted no time in running up to the door, knocking loudly.

Footsteps were heard coming to the door from somewhere inside.

"One second!" her voice called.

"Tonia!" Childe whispered, smiling over at you.

You smiled back before turning back to the door that was now being pulled open.

A young looking girl stood there looking shocked. She had beautiful blue eyes and orange hair, similar to Childe.

"TEUCER COME HERE!" She shouted before laughing, and hugging Childe.

A younger boy, who looked exactly like the one you'd seen when going bsck for Childe, zoomed out from the house and into his arms as well.

"You're finally here! Sister Tonia was so worried!" He shouted.

"Yeah, you have a lot of explaining to do!" She shouted, then stopped herself to look at you, smiling.

"I'll save that for later, though... I see you brought a 'friend' over?!" She teased.

Childe chuckled, watching Teucer quickly scurry over to introduce himself. He was quite adorable, but very energetic.

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