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the last chapter wasn't fifteen im losing iT LMAO PLEASE EXCUSE ME I'M RUNNING ON 2/5 OF A BRAIN CELL أ‿أ💔

idk but this will be probably shorter than others just because i felt like writing but i don't have an idea for what's coming up next C_C


★            ❤️             ★            ❤️             ★

"Come lay down here with meee!"

Childe wouldn't stop whining and asking the same thing. You remade his bed on the floor, offered him yours, and even the couch. But, no, he just wanted to sleep with you or disturb you until you'd come sleep with him.

"CoMe LaY dOwN hErE wItH mE!"

"Are you making fun of me?!"

"ArE yOu MaKiNg FuN oF mE?!"

"You're so mean to me (N/n)!"

"Since when do you call me that?"

"Since like 20 minutes ago."

"Oh. Okay, tartar sauce." You stuck your tongue out at him, getting up to turn the lights off as you felt more sleepy then before. 

You flipped the switch, and made your way back to your bed. You jumped on your bed, expecting to land on your soft blankets and pillows, but instead landed on a person. Obviously, it was none other than Childe.

"What the- go back to your floor!"

"No, since you decided to jump on me, which hurt by the way, I will be sleeping here." He responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I offered you the bed earlier."

"Yeah but now you're in it with me!" He smirked.

"Oh HELL no."

You flipped yourself so you were now on the other side of your bed and Childe. He tried to hug you, but you began to forcefully push him onto the ground with all fours.

"Hey, that's not how you treat a guest!"

"Then stop being weird! I'll call the... Wait no, I'll call Xiao on you!"

He squinted his eyes and bopped you on the forehead. You moved your hands from pushing his shoulders away to instead rubbing your head.

"Ow, you blockhead! And you say I'm rude?"

"You are! That's what you get for threatening me!"

You held in a laugh, growling instead to seek angry. Childe felt bad, thinking accidentally hit you hard when he was joking around. 

You felt him move your hand away from your forehead, looking up to see him plant a kiss where he smacked you. It felt nice, however you wouldn't admit that to him as it'd only feed his pride. Your cheeks flushed against your will. Your own body was not on your side.

"HuH- What was that for? Idiot." You mumbled, turning away from him.

"Someone's a little red~! It's okay to be in love with me you know, who wouldn't after all?"

"Not me."

"Not true!"

Now, you felt him wrap his arms around your waist and pull you close to him. You were against his chest, his head on top of yours.

"Who said you could do that? Get off me you weirdo!"

"I don't think I will."

You heard him chuckle, while you yawned. After being chased around the mall, and hanging out all day, you were quite tired. Instead of pushing him away again, you decided to give up for now.

After all, when would you have the chance to sleep with a cute demon who doesn't actually want to murder you and everyone you know? Probably never.

You relaxed, closing your eyes. Once you were about to fall asleep, you heard him speak.

"So, what's tomorrow's plans? We doing anything?"

"Maybe.." You yawned again, drowning out whatever he was saying afterward.

Once he realized this, you were already asleep. He was surprised you gave in to him that easily, though it was probably a one time thing.

Childe missed having attention from others, it'd been a long time since he got to even speak to someone like you, and he sure wasn't going to leave you.

"How rude, ignoring me and then falling asleep."

He knew there wouldn't be a response, but he still spoke anyways.

"Goodnight then, your majesty~." He cooed, closing his own eyes for a short rest.

★            ❤️             ★            ❤️             ★

so i bought a gay mug and my mom was like "so r u gay? i knew you though girls were hot but i thought you leaned both ways" LMAO

the best part is i sent her the flag three months ago and she thought i sent it because i liked it and am pro lgbtq+ im wheezinG

anyways i love that she's accepting and my gay mug will be here soon

‶Bored'• Demon Childe × ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ