fourty four, the chapter of best girl

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★            ❤️             ★            ❤️             ★

"I love her already!" You shouted, grinning at the girl next to you, causing her to give you a huge smile.

Hu Tao. Though you'd only just met her, you knew you'd get along perfectly.

Zhongli and Childe, who'd become pretty close, we're chit-chatting and drinking some tea. You, Xiao, and Hu Tao had stuck out of the cafe to leave them behind, heading back to the shop to hang out.

"So, (N/n), how long have you known Xiao and Zhongli?" She asked, as the both of you truing to get to know each other better.

"I believe it's been close to two months now!"

"Ahh, I've known them for awhile. We've had to work together before on crossing people over!" She told.

Xiao listened to the both of you talking about different things, glad that you were getting along.

★                           ★                              ★

Hu Tao had been telling you about some of the creepiest encounters she had with ghosts, and everything like them. She surprisingly had many stories from when she was a child as well.

"There was a time when I was sitting alone, eating in the kitchen, when I heard something drop down the hall. I went to check in out and ended up in front of the bathroom. Since the mirror is across from the hall, I could see myself... and someone behind me!" She shared, making her voice creepier towards the end.

You shivered.

"That's terrifying.."

Xiao cleared his throat, walking over to sit on the floor next to the both of you.

"Think that's scary? Have I ever told you of the time when Zhongli, a friend of ours, and I were called to do an actual investigation?" He quietly asked, voice low.

You and Hu Tao looked at each other. It seems neither of you knew.

"Go on then!" She is exclaimed.

"Alright. Well, I'm not sure if you've met her before, but Ganyu is her name. She called us with information about a family who was extremely desperate for help. They'd tried reaching out to others around us, but they were afraid to help. The three of us weren't going to leave them without help, so we immediately agreed to take the case with her.."

The story goes on. The three of them spent numerous nights in the house with the family, the activity seemed to be more aggressive when they were present. Ganyu was hurt by whatever was in the house, and therefore had to leave the rest of the work to the other two.

"The night she left, it got even worse, almost as if it was trying to get rid of all of us. I mean it probably was, but.. You know. Anyways, we caught quite a bit of footage. Eventually, we had to stop the investigation of the place and move straight into getting rid of whatever it was there, as it had gotten so bad that the entire family was in danger." He finished.

"Tell us about some of the things that happened there! This already sounds spooky, but we wanna know what type of experiences you had!" Hu Tao shouted.

He rolled his eyes.

"Alright, alright."

You were already nervous to hear about this one.

★                           ★                              ★

Even Hu Tao was terrified after hearing some of the things that happened at that house. Needless to say, the both of you were glad you weren't there.

Xiao got up to grab his drink, leaving you two to sit and think about his stories of the place. He'd managed to find the footage and show it as well, needless to say it gave you the creeps.

When you thought you wouldn't be anymore frightened, the door bell rang, causing you to jump. Hu Tao began cracking up.

Childe walked in, immediately bursting into laughter as he'd seen it as well.

Zhongli soon walked in, handing Xiao a small box of almond tofu before sitting down next to Hu Tao. Childe walked over as well, immediately dropping on his butt next to you.

"So, what have we missed?" Zhongli asked, intrigued by how frightened you looked, and Hu Tao before she began laughing.

You explained to them how Xiao told you of their most dangerous case, causing him to chuckle.

"I see. That one does usually manage to frighten many when hearing about it. I can't blame you there." He responded

"What's this case about? I'd like to hear too, if you don't mind. It sounds quite interesting!" Childe jumped in.

Zhongli cleared his throat, taking a sip of tea before beginning to speak. Childe slung his arm around your shoulder, kissing the top of your head as all of you listened to the story again.

★            ❤️             ★            ❤️             ★

how are you all?? hope you're well and hydrated and rested and all that!!

sorry about any mistakes but blehh

anyways we're around the corner of 100k reads sooo... what would you all like for a special??

lemme know what you want!! <3

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