The Interview (Rikey)

Start from the beginning

Ray couldn't actually remember. All he remembered was finding Mikey sobbing hysterically in bed, holding a positive pregnancy test. Ray could remember holding Mikeys hand and telling him it was going to be okay. He remembered the talk with Mikey, he told Mikey that he was going to support any decision Mikey made. When Mikey told him he wanted to have the baby, Ray immediately got to his knees and kissed all over Mikeys still flat tummy. It was the happiest day of their lives, soon to be replaced with their childs arrival. Sure, they weren't married when they found out, but they were at least engaged. It wouldn't matter anyway.

"Uhm...No, we weren't trying. It just happened."

"What happened? Condom split?"

"I don't think you can ask that...All you need to know is that we weren't trying and we got pregnant. Nothing else."

Really. Who needed to know what happened other than Ray and Mikey? Ray could practically feel the embarrassment from Mikey.

"No need to get angry, Ray. Just asking questions the fans want to know."

"No. I highly doubt they would ask them something like that. Our fans are respectful." Frank interrupted. Oh boy, Mikey just wanted to go home already.

"Mikey, it really must be so difficult preforming when you're that big. How do you do it?"

Ah. Theres the one that Mikey hated the most, the fact he was big. Bigger than average, anyway. That was probably because he was tall and thin before he got pregnant, and he put the weight on because of the baby, and from eating a lot.

"Uh...I-I can manoeuvre the bass around me, i play it low.." Mikey said. He didn't look up, he just stared down at Rays hand that was holding onto his.

He was so awkward and uncomfortable by now. He didn't want to be reminded that he was big, he didn't want to be talking about his sex life for millions of people to hear.

"After the baby is born, do you plan on being the bassist of My Chemical Romance, or will you be one of those lazy stay at home moms?"

"Thats none of your damn business!" Ray yelled. "Mikey can do whatever he wants, if he wants to be a stay at home mom, that doesn't make him lazy."

"Ray, its fine." Mikey said with a slight chuckle. He just shrugged and shook his head. "I'm staying in MCR."

He hadn't actually thought about that yet, that was an obstacle he would face when the baby was here.

"Hm. Heres another for the two of you. Will you be sharing photos of you and the baby? Since you're famous and all. How about MCR photoshoots with the baby?"

"Thats a nice question." Mikey said with a fake smile. "I want to post photos of her when she's here, but Ray also wants to have some privacy from our family life and our band life."

"Do you think thats a bit controlling? You want to share her with fans and Rays telling you you cant? Aren't you the one carrying her?"

This time, all four of them pulled faces. Ray and Mikey had had the talk about that before. They agreed on what they wanted. Occasional family photos, but Ray wanted to blur their daughters face out on most. Mikey was absolutely fine with that.

"No. No it's not controlling at all. Ray wants privacy and we know what to do. Its his daughter too and i need to respect his wishes too."

"Ray isn't carrying her. Does he get a say?"

"Of course he gets a say. Shes every bit of his daughter as she is mine and i respect that he doesn't want to share photos of our daughter. We agreed that we'll post photos sometimes but we're going to cover her face until she's older. And i want that too."

Ray was getting visibly mad. Mikey was trying his best to keep calm and composed but damn was it hard. She was asking such bizarre and uncomfortable questions. She was questioning if Ray was being controlling over Mikey.

"Sounds pretty toxic to me. Anyway, Mikey, you seem pretty proud of yourself. Very confident about your body since you want to defend it so much. How about we see that baby bump with your shirt up?"

"...Oh, no. I'm not comfortable doing that. You wouldnt wanna see either." He said with a slight giggle.

"No wonder. It's probably all gross there-"

Gerard stood up and grabbed hold of Mikeys hand. "We're done. This interview has been the most disgusting, humiliating thing ever. You had no right to ask those kinds of questions. Its none of your business if Ray and Mikey planned to get pregnant. You certainly shouldn't be telling Mikey to pull his shirt up and then insult him because he doesn't want to."

Mikey was practically in tears by this point. There was so much yelling between MCR and Lindsey, that Mikey couldn't deal with it. The yelling was so stressful and it killed him, he hated arguments more than anything, especially when Ray was yelling. Ray yelling was the worst thing, even if it wasn't at Mikey. Couples fight, all couples fight, Mikey was thankful that Ray was very forgiving and would admit if he did something wrong.

That interview was by far the worst thing that had ever happened to Mikey. He just prayed it'd be nice and calm for the last two months of his pregnancy.

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