"Hi uh, you must be Mr. Wyles?" It was odd calling someone Mr. that didn't seem to be that much older than you. The man seemed like he was in his early twenties.

The man chuckled to himself and smiled back at Hunter, "Graham always calls me that but I prefer just to be called Emrys."

"Like the Arthurian Legends?" Hunter asked.

Emrys smiled and shelved another book mumbling, "Something like that."

"What can I help you with then...?" Emrys tilted his head as if to say What is your name?

"Hunter, Hunter Sullivan."

"Well, Hunter what can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for books on the spirit world, Graham said you were an expert on the subject?" Hunter asked.

At the mention of the spirit world Emrys's eyes lit up and he jumped to his feet. The blue-eyed man was right at Hunter's height which wasn't what Hunter was expecting. The already large man was even larger than he thought.

"Follow me!" The man took off and Hunter stood still before the following suit through the upper floor of the library.

Emrys took a stop at a large section of books and smiled, his eyes glowing in excitement.

"Anywhere in particular? You got the Emerald Caves, the Aurum Falls, and my favorite," Emrys pulled a book off the top shelf and handed it to Hunter. "The Sunken City of Amet."

"The Sunken City of Amet?" Hunter asked.

Emrys's eyes grew wide in shock at Hunter's cluelessness to the city. The dark blue eyes stared at him until he spoke up.

"You've never heard of it? It's only the most important landmark in the whole spirit world!" Emrys exclaimed.

The man stared at him expecting him to suddenly realize what he was talking about. When Hunter stared at him clueless he sighed. Before he smiled at the realization he got to go on and on about how amazing it was.

"It was the center of all Spirit Demon activity back when they were still," Emrys paused. "Active."

"So it was their home?" Hunter asked.

"For most of them ya," Emrys sat at a two-seater table and opened the book, motioning to Hunter to sit down. "Some lived off on their own but many lived in the city. Some texts that weren't lost to it sinking said it was the gateway to everything.  Everything including earth and hell."

"Hell?" Hunter interrupted.

"Yeah, some texts were kind of unclear about what demons they meant were there. So it's only a theory."

"They had to have like a library or something with more info on this stuff right?" Hunter asked.

"Well they did, just, it's sunk." Emrys laughed.

"What about excavations. Couldn't they just dig it up?"

Emrys went back in disgust like Hunter just insulted his whole family. He quickly collected himself like it never happened.

"They tried in 1974 but the spirit world bites back.  The spirits don't like it when you try to mess with anything. Lives were lost and they never got anywhere. Whatever the dug up just filled itself back in."

"Wow." It was Hunter's turn to be shocked.

"Yeah, they were able to dig a hole in a window, and well, let's just say they could hear his screams through the dirt." 

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