12. Divinations And Great Peril

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As we entered the classroom, I took a seat with Blaise and Draco while Pansy, Theo, Crabbe, and Goyle took a seat at their own table. 

The class filled in and I pulled out my book and began reading while Draco and Blaise chatted away.

After quite a bit of time, a middle-aged woman stumbled into the classroom. She tripped over a cushion but maintain her balance as she made her way to the students.

"Welcome, my children." She then let out a gasp and turned to Longbottom, "Boy, is your grandmother well?"

"I- I believe so.."

She turned and lifted a finger, "I wouldn't be so sure boy."

She then returned to the front of the class, "Now pair up, and pour your tea. Once you finished drinking your tea, switch cups and examine your partner's leaves."

Blaise had left and partnered with Theo while the others sorted out their groups, which left me and Draco

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Blaise had left and partnered with Theo while the others sorted out their groups, which left me and Draco.

Draco stood and left to get the cups and the tea, bringing back two cups.

"Thank you Dragon." He smiled and handed me the cup and proceeded to sit down across from me.

"Of course, Scar."

He soon finished his tea just as I had mine and we switched our cups.

"Broaden your minds as you look into the beyond! Now, now children read the cups." As she finished, I peered into the cup that belonged to Draco.

I looked between the cup and my book seeing that the tea leaves resembled a skull and sun, "Draco, you will confront danger in the future, so beware of the dementor essence. But also spend your time wisely as happiness tends to run out. I think."

He stared at me and then returned to my cup, confusion etching across his face.

"I can't read yours, it's not in the book. It's got like a snake and dog and skull or maybe it's a dementor," he laughed as he went to call on Trelawney but was interrupted with her own voice.

"The GRIM! You have the grim."

She dropped his cup and back away as one of the Gryffindor girls read the definition of immortal danger, the omen of death.

She dropped his cup and back away as one of the Gryffindor girls read the definition of immortal danger, the omen of death

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After the class had settled, Draco had beckoned the professor over. "Professor Trelawney, I can't seem to read Scarlett's cup."

He handed her the cup and she dropped the cup breaking it.

"My dear, even more peril." She backed away from me frightened, "My dear Miss Duval, please be wary of your choices."

Everyone gasped at the broken glass, and she continued to back away from me.

She seemed frightened of me and caused the rest of the class to slowly back away in their seats. The only ones who remained unchanged were those in Slytherin.

The rest of the class resumed going through tea leaves, whilst I admired a crystal ball that sat on the desk.

Falling into a stance, the ball began to fill with smoke. Black figures began to appear in the distance and smoke started falling out of the crystal ball. I was met with red piercing eyes and then felt a hand upon my own.

When I snapped out of my gaze I followed the hand that grasped mine. I met the swirl grey eyes and the ball stopped and returned to its first state.

The ball that was once filled with smoke was now clear once more.

Draco concerned for what I saw rubbed my back and drew shapes for the remaining of class. I was silent and thought over what I saw and what I was told.

When class ended I walked back to the Slytherin common rooms alone and found my way to my bed. Tired I changed into a two-piece silk green set and laid down in bed.

Time went by slowly and I began to drift to sleep sure that I missed dinner. Not paying attention I gazed out my window and watched a giant squid swim by.

Lei had flown back with letters and sat on my desk.

Slowly closing my eyes I felt the bed dip and a pair of arms wrap around my torso.

Too tired to acknowledge the person I slipped into darkness and comfort.

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