19. Last Names

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Granger's POV ~

Before returning to the common rooms, I stopped by the Great Hall as I heard there was a party. When I arrived the party was just ending and it was a party for Scarlett Duval nonetheless.

I turned to leave but was interrupted by the laughter that belonged to the Weasley twins and two others I didn't recognize.

I peered around the corner to see the twins along with Scarlett and Malfoy. They were enjoying themselves by scaring others and setting up pranks.

I turned to leave but heard what seemed to be Fred's cry of frustration, "Why aren't they working!?" in return George replied, "I don't know Freddie but it seems to be the same smoky essence that has been keeping the students safe all month."

A chuckle was heard from Malfoy and I peaked to see him pointing at a form that was entirely smoke because Scarlett looked confused.

"What's that?" she asked, confused.

"That, Scarlett Grindelwald-"

"Is the only form of energy-"

"We have ever seen help-"

"Other students avoid our pranks!" The twins took turns answering and I widened my eyes upon hearing her name.

Her name is Scarlett Grindelwald! She's a Grindelwald!

I stayed quiet and hidden behind a suit of armor as they passed and continued to listen.

"Well, you see-"

"This smoke appeared-"

"The day you-"

"Disappeared." Malfoy finished the twins' sentence and as I awaited Scarlett's response I began to follow them quietly from a distance. Taking their words into thought, I realized that this was the same smoke that I had seen flow from the DADA classroom the day Scarlett disappeared.

I tried to move closer to see their faces when Scarlett's lit up, "I got it!"

"The smoke there is the same smoke that I unknowingly created," the boys confused gestured for her to continue, "well, long story short, I got mad and this smoke appeared from my hands, then next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital wing. So I'm assuming that because my body was weak but my power was still strong, the smoke was able to somehow take the positive energy from me helping others. Ew."

She looked disgusted at some thought that crossed her mind and Malfoy must've understood because moments later they both broke into fits of laughter.

The twins leaned against the walls watching, amused I might say. Though when Scarlett and Malfoy finished they returned to their cold faces, scaring the twins off-balance.

All of a sudden the smoke figure that stood before the group had disappeared. I continued to watch as the twins took this into acknowledgment and turned on their heels,

"Why thank you-"

"Scarlett, now we have to go-"

"Because we have plenty of pranks to pull-"

"Bye!" they yelled simultaneously while Malfoy watched standing beside Scarlett.

She turned to Malfoy and they began to head back in the direction of their common room. I decided this was enough and would wait until they left for me to leave, but they stopped mid-walk.

I was crammed into a small crawl space and was beginning to grow uncomfortable but stayed otherwise. "What, what's wrong, Scar?"

She froze trying to contemplate something, "They know who I am." This was all she said and Malfoy soon understood, his eyes widening just as hers had.

She's A Grindelwald ~ I | d.m.Where stories live. Discover now