9. Hogsmeade (I)

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I woke up to an abrupt shake and when my eyes flew open, with my wand in hand I peered to find the culprit was Pansy, so I calmed down. I lowered my wand and sat up properly.

"Wake up! Scar, come on!" Pansy was excited about something but what, I wasn't aware. "Scar, let's go it's Hogsmeade weekend!"

At this, I sat upright and jumped out of bed. I ran to the bathroom and quickly changed into my outfit for the trip.

I wore a grey polyester sweatshirt and black tight jeans. To accompany the look, I wore my black combat boots that held my wand. I put my hair in a quick messy ponytail and grabbed my pouch of money.

As I shut my door and turned to overlook the common room, I could feel that someone was already watching me

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As I shut my door and turned to overlook the common room, I could feel that someone was already watching me. When I scanned the room below from my balcony I was met with a pair of grey swirl eyes with the lightest specks of blue.

I walked down the stairs and made my way to the grey eyes that were accompanied by platinum blonde hair.

Draco, Blaise, and Theo were sitting on the couches waiting for Pansy to grab her bag. When Pansy returned from grabbing her bag we left for the Great Hall to grab a quick snack before the trip.

I sat down at the Slytherin table and watched as Draco grabbed an apple.

As he was heading for a bite I muttered the accio spell and the apple flew to my hand. I took a bite from the apple and avoided his gaze.

He scowled and grabbed another one when I finally turned to him and smirked as I took another bite from the apple I stole.

"That was my apple, Scar."

I leaned forward to his ear and whispered, "Well, it's mine now, what are you going to do about it?" My voice was full of tease as I stood and took his second apple and ran.

"Scarlett!" Draco yelled. I laughed and he chased after me all the way to the line-up, meanwhile Blaise and Pansy walked side by side whilst Theo stalked off to disturb some poor girl.

When Draco finally caught me, I was out of breath as he held me around the waist to stop me from running away. He went to grab the apple but got a face full of snow instead.

This was the first move of the snowball fight.

Pansy and I teamed against Blaise and Draco. Snowballs flying over and under everyone, some snowballs hit other students. The group of four was in an intense match that they had gained an audience of students.

The battle went on for a while but, however, was cut short when a snowball that left Blaise's hand hit Professor McGonagall right in the middle of her face.

We froze unaware of what to do as McGonagall wiped her face. We stood silent and fearful, every student who was watching froze and it was so silent you could hear a pin drop in the fresh fallen snow.

McGonagall stood up straight and the scowl on her face was replaced with a laugh. She quickly flicked her wand and a pile of fresh snow covered Blaise, "Girls win!"

She spoke and laughter soon filled the courtyard while we were also glad not to receive a detention. We cleaned up and made our way to the village and laughed about the recent events.

"Professor McGonagall is so wicked!" Pansy laughed while recalling the memory of Blaise getting piled. Blaise scowled at being humiliated but soon broke into a laugh with Pansy.

"Did you see everyone's faces when you first hit McGonagall? Everyone was so scared!" laughed Draco, trying not to get hit by Blaise. I smiled at the antics of our group and was glad that we were actually smiling and laughing.

We split our group as Blaise and Draco went to Zonko's Joke Shop, while Pansy and I went to Honeydukes. The chime of the bell went off as we entered and I immediately started piling candy into my arms.

I grabbed licorice wands, sour apple bites (for Draco), some chocolate frogs (also for Draco), and some fizzing whizbees. Pansy grabbed some chocolate for her and some licorice wands for Blaise. We approached the counter and I paid for both of us.

As we left we made our way to the Three Broomsticks to meet up with the boys.

We got a table and talked while we waited. "You like Draco."

Pansy bursted and I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up. "I- what no, no he's- he's just a friend."

I was confident with my answer but Pansy thought otherwise, "I see the way you look at him, it's the same way he looks at you." I was surprised by her statement.

Draco doesn't look at me like that. Right?

"No- well, no no Draco is a friend, we're just friends." I was a little disheartened with my own answer but knew he would never feel the same.

Trying to change the conversation, "What about you and Blaise, huh?" She blushed twice as much as I did and looked away refusing to answer.

"So you do like him. You not answering gives me my answer." I said, smirking at her actions. She then raised her hand to call someone to take our order, aborting the situation.

Madam Rosmerta approached, "What can I get you dears?" she cheerfully asked.

"I'll take two butterbeers with sprinkled cinnamon on top."

I looked to Pansy to see what she wanted and she quickly made up her mind. "I'll take a plain butterbeer please, and Blaise wanted a butterbeer with infused nutmeg." We said our thanks and she came by later with the drinks, just as the boys had arrived.

I grabbed my drink and held the warm glass against my bare hands. Draco took a seat beside me and Blaise beside Pansy. I met Pansy's eye and both of us started blushing and looking the other way.

Blaise seemed to notice as Draco was oblivious to our actions.

"Did something happen while we were gone?" Blaise asked with a smirk and peered towards Pansy and I.

Draco was now listening and also looked at us, or me. I picked up my butterbeer and took a sip, and held it to my face to block their views.

Pansy following suit as we both shook our heads no. They dropped the subject and we finished our drinks and snacks. We gathered our things and headed to the shrieking shack, meeting up with Crabbe and Goyle on the way.

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