18. You, Remembered

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I missed my birthday!

My movement must've woken Draco because the next thing I see is him sitting upright beside me. "Is everything alright?"

His eyes held mine and I nodded not wanting to be dramatic, but he knew something bothered me so he pulled me into a tight hug, almost desperate for comfort himself.

"I was so scared of losing you," he whispered into my hair then pulled away, "Come on, you must be hungry." He dragged me out of bed and towards the Great Hall.

As we approached the Great Hall I noticed that the doors were closed, the doors were almost never closed. When Draco pulled back the door with a giant grin across his face, I was startled by several party poppers going off accompanied by fireworks.

"SuRpRiSe!!!" Everyone cheering and going crazy, Blaise and Pansy running for hugs. So much was going on, and I was confused and turned to look behind me to see if it was the wrong person.

Draco must've noticed because he chuckled at my actions, "It's for you Scar

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Draco must've noticed because he chuckled at my actions, "It's for you Scar. All for you! They set this up the moment they heard you woke up."

He smiled and pulled me into the crowd where I was wished many late birthday greetings.

I was smothered with hugs and I was beginning to grow frustrated but unable to rid of my smile.

When festivities began to settle down I started to take notice of the people there.

Practically everyone from Slytherin showed up, the Weasleys, some Ravenclaws, almost all of Hufflepuff, and a few Gryffindors here and there.

As everyone greeted me they left a gift and just as fast they left due to classes.

Because of the situation, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, and I were excused from classes. We sat at the Slytherin table and I turned to my friends, "You- you remembered?"

I said teary-eyed and happily. They all laughed and responded, "Of course! We couldn't forget."

Pansy turned to me and squealed, "You're 13 now, second oldest after Draco."

"Pans, you know that no matter how old I am I will always be older than you and Blaise. And I will never surpass Draco, it's impossible." I laughed at her trying to work it all out.

"Which reminds me, Happy Very Late Birthday!"

I gave him a hug, "I have a gift for you in my room." I whispered into his ear and he looked me in the eye.

"Scar, you didn't need to get me anything." I just ignored his comment and he rolled his eyes and playfully nudged me in the side.

Later as I was speaking to a few more people, Pansy and Blaise began to gather my gifts to take to my room.

Throughout the rest of the day, the one thing that I noticed was that Draco never left my side once. I loved seeing him care so much, and I realized that if it were him I would do the same.

Before returning to my room, I along with Draco and the twins began to pull pranks on the other students.

We were enjoying scaring others but most of our pranks were being avoided. Fred was beginning to grow frustrated just as I was, "Why aren't they working!?"

Fred crowed to his brother, George. "I don't know Freddie but it seems to be the same smoky essence that has been keeping the students safe all month."

Draco chuckled and pointed to a form that was entirely smoke, seeing as I was confused.

"What's that?" I asked unaware.

"That, Scarlett Grindelwald-"

"Is the only form of energy-"

"We have ever seen help-"

"Other students avoid our pranks!" The twins took turns answering and I began to understand, though confused at when this started. Seeing my expression they seemed to read my mind.

"Well, you see-"

"This smoke appeared-"

"The day you-"

"Disappeared." Draco finished the twins' sentence and then turned to me as if awaiting an answer.

Taking their words into thought, I realized that this was the same smoke that I had made appear. The three boys watched me as I worked the information through my head, "I got it!"

"The smoke there is the same smoke that I unknowingly created," the boys confused gestured for me to continue, "well, long story short, I got mad and this smoke appeared from my hands, then next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital wing. So I'm assuming that because my body was weak but my power was still strong, the smoke was able to somehow take the positive energy from me helping others. Ew."

I shivered at the thought of me being nice to any Gryffindorks other than the Weasleys. Draco must've thought the same because he pretended to gag just as I had.

We broke into laughter and then returned only moments later to our stone-set faces.

At our actions, the twins watched in amusement, and then their faces contorted to horror when they saw how fast we changed.

Within the thought of messing with other students again, the smoke figure began to disappear and I felt as those I was light and could breathe clearly not knowing why the air seemed better. The twins took this into acknowledgment and turned on their heels,

"Why thank you-"

"Scarlett, now we have to go-"

"Because we have plenty of pranks to pull-"

"Bye!" they yelled simultaneously while Draco and I watched in amusement.

I turned to Draco and we decided to head back to the common room. Our trip was cut short when I noticed one small very crucial detail about our conversation with the twins.

Draco stopped just as abruptly as I had, "What, what's wrong, Scar?"

I froze trying to figure out if I had heard them clearly, "They know who I am." was all I said and Draco soon understood his eyes widening just as mine had.

"What do I do? How did they know!?" I began to pace in the middle of the hall while Draco was trying to calm me down, "I don't know, I didn't say anything!"

Not even seconds later, I was suspended into the air and I let out an ear-splitting scream. When I looked down I saw two patches of red and heard laughter from under me.

Fred and George were now carrying me upon their shoulders and walking back and forth just I had moments before.

"WHaT are you two DoinG!?" I scolded them as they lowered me down,

"Well, you see-"

"We heard your pacing and freaking out-"

"Don't worry Scarlett-"


"We won't tell a soul!" they finished once again simultaneously, grinning ear to ear standing before me.

I scowled at them and pulled out my wand, "If you two ever so much as breathe a single word of this to anyone, I will hex you into oblivion! Understood?"

They quickly backed away and nodded furiously, satisfied I put my wand away and bid the boys goodbye as Draco followed me back to the Slytherin Dungeons.

They called after us and you could hear the smiles in their voices, "Good day Scarlett! Malfoy!"

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