17. Awakening

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"I thought he'd be dead for sure."
"He sure is lucky for that smoke!"
"Too bad about his broom though, but has anyone seen Oliver?"
"Reckon he's trying to drown himself," and with that laughter broke out.

Following the sound of Potter's voice, "What's happened?"

Unaware of my situation, I felt a grip around my right hand. I felt safe and warm until I felt a tear hit my hand.

Then two more followed along with a quiet, soft voice I knew all too well, "Scar, please. I need you."

With that, silence followed and I moved my thumb leading the hand to tighten around mine. I was too tired too do anything and drifted off the sleep once again.


I felt rays of light fall upon my face as I slowly cracked open my eyes, I looked at my surroundings and noticed the clean white sheets and separators.

I was in the hospital wing, and there was only one person here, Draco.

He was asleep, he must've been tired.

I lifted my left hand and ran it through his soft platinum locks. At my touch, his head shot up and his face immediately lit up, "Madam Pomfrey!" his husky voice called.

Madam Pomfrey's head stuck through one of the dividers and immediately the rest of her followed.

She took my temperature and had me hold out my hands. Along my left arm ran a black line that depicted an infected vein of some sort.

I examined it myself and before I could ask Pomfrey shook her head, "We're not sure either dear

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I examined it myself and before I could ask Pomfrey shook her head, "We're not sure either dear. Now what you need is food so, whenever you are ready to leave you may go. Just drink this before you leave."

She placed down a cordial of some golden liquid and wanting to get it over with I took the potion and finished it fast knowing it never tastes good.

After gathering my stuff, Draco insisted that I shower and refresh myself so we headed back to my room. "Dragon, what happened?"

I quietly asked as we entered my room.

He met my eyes and his face contorted to confusion, "Do you not remember?"

I shook my head and he pulled me towards my bed, sitting me beside him. "Well, from what I remember you had stayed to talk with Snape about something, after you didn't return that night I went looking for you. Actually, we all split up looking for you. When Blaise found you, you were blacked out with Professor Snape. I was so worried."

I smiled at the thought of him being worried, "Well, I'm okay now. So let's go for dinner and then come back to rest."

He softened his eyes at me and a frown grew upon his face. "Scar, it's the middle of the day. The Hufflepuff/Gryffindor game just finished."

Now it was my turn to be confused, "What do you mean that game isn't due for another month..." Draco fell silent and only barely met my eyes when mine opened in realization.

"No, I wasn't. That's not possible! Draco, tell me it's not true!" He nodded slowly and pulled me into his arms.

Before I knew it, I was up and in the shower while he waited outside.

Feeling clean and refreshed, I changed into green/black sweatshirt and some black shorts to match.

I threw on my signature boots and made sure my wand was safe. I slipped on my mother's bracelet and left the bathroom to find Draco fast asleep once again.

Not wanting to wake him, I laid beside him trying to wrap my head around missing a whole month of life

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Not wanting to wake him, I laid beside him trying to wrap my head around missing a whole month of life. The thought was absurd but seeing as the facts were there, it was impossible to avoid accepting it.

I missed so many things, I missed quidditch games and so many classes. I missed Draco's birthday. I missed so many things and yet it still feels like yesterday.

After some time passed, I sat upright as I dawned upon another very important detail.

I missed my birthday!

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