3. Not Yet

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"Well, you see, Scarlett Duval is different."

Dumbledore responded and now everyone was even more focused on me. I looked to the headmaster and saw that he was already looking at me as if asking for permission.

I shook my head and used my skill of occlumens to answer him, "not yet"  was all I said. He understood and nodded to show that he acknowledged my answer, then turned back to the center of the hall.

"Yes, Scarlett is different and she may even be figuring that out for herself, but I advise you against trying to snoop around where you shouldn't be. This is my warning because I know for certain that Scarlett will not want to be bombarded with questions. So I suggest you drop this topic unless you want to be hexed, and I won't stop Scarlett as I know she will do it against my word anyways. So tread lightly. Now, tuck in everyone and welcome once again to another year at Hogwarts."

And with that Dumbledore turned and walked back to his seat without another word.

As the feast was coming to an end and I was eager to head down to bed, a piece of parchment flew by my head and landed in front of me. I could feel the gaze of my friends but ignored it as I opened the parchment to reveal writing,


I apologize for Harry Potter's outburst, but I would like to meet with you after classes next week. If you could make your way to my office right after classes, I may be able to answer some questions you may have.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

P.S. I enjoy lemon drops.

Leaving with the note, I turned to see the headmaster already gazing in my direction so I nodded to let him know that I would be there. After confirming I retreated to the dungeons with my friends and we made our way to the common rooms.


Blaise spoke as he was at the front of the group. We made our way into the common room everyone was headed to their shared dorms.

Though, being the niece of Gellert Grindelwald can come in handy as he was able to convince Dumbledore to provide me with my own room.

As I entered my room, it felt like home again, well second home. My bed was still where it was under the window that looked out into the black lake, giving the green hue of light that shown through.

On the right was my oakwood dresser and the left was the door that led to my own bathroom.

My room held the Slytherin standards of the green and silver that ran through my room and probably every other room in the Slytherin Dungeons.

Entering my room felt natural and as I began to unpack I let my owl out of the cage.

Lei was Barn Owl being one of the fastest of her kind, she gladly hopped out of the cage and began to fly around to stretch.

When she finally calmed down I opened the one window in the top right corner that would lead to the skies just above the water, letting her make her way to the owlery.

As I waited for Lei's return I laid down on the soft velvet beds and quickly fell asleep. Only to be woken by the eyes that stared into my own.

She's A Grindelwald ~ I | d.m.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें