11. A Black Dog

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An ear-splitting scream broke out and I tried to sit up grabbing my wand from my boot. The only problem was that I was held down by two arms wrapped around my torso.

I followed the arms and it led back to Draco Malfoy who was still sound asleep.

I nudged him, "Draco, Dragon wake up." he began to move and slowly retracted his arms to run over his face.

He sat up and faced me, "Is it morning already, Scar?" I smiled at his husky low voice but soon remembered why I woke.

I jumped up and ran out the common room door Draco following closely behind, in a grey t-shirt and black sweats.

"Scar! Scarlett, what is it?"

I stopped and faced him, "I- I heard a scream, but it was far away and-" another ear-splitting scream erupted and we dashed towards the sound.

The Fat Lady's portrait was surrounded by many students, mostly Gryffindors. Everyone murmured about what happened.

"Fat Lady missing."
"Portrait slashed."
"Sirius Black."

I pushed my way through and eventually ran into Snape who sent me a questioning glance but then held me close to him. Draco soon stood behind me and held my hand so I wouldn't get lost.

After the situation died down, we figured that someone let Black into the castle and he was trying to get to Harry Potter.

I remembered receiving the note signed by Black and quickly dashed back to the common rooms, with Draco following my every step. He didn't question me, he just came along.

Running into my room I quickly grabbed the note and sprinted back with Draco to where Professor Snape was.

I pulled him aside so I could speak, "Professor, I received this note two nights ago. I wasn't thinking much, so I went, but I thought you should know." His eyes widened and he pulled me further away from the crowd.

"Did he show up?" I shook my head no, "Was there anything else that appeared?"

I thought back and remembered, "Well there was a black dog but that was nothing otherwise-"

"A black dog?" I nodded unsure of his meaning. "Did the dementors that we're stationed leave?"

"Yes, but only for a moment."

His eyes widened in understanding. "Draco take Scarlett back to the dungeons, I have to talk to Professor Dumbledore."

With that Draco took me back and Snape headed for Dumbledore.

When we returned Draco came to my room and we sat on my bed. I came to a realization and my eyes widened as much as Snape's had, "Black is an animagus!"

Draco, surprised by my outburst, fell off the bed. "A what?"

"Black. Sirius Black is an animagus! It must be a black dog. Oh no! No, no no!"

Draco climbed across the bed as I freaked out, "Scar, Scar breathe. What's wrong?"

I looked him dead in the eyes, "I let Sirius Black into the castle unnoticed."

He was confused but then understood, "Do you know how?"

I nodded, "I think so. I believe it happened last night when I went to meet him."

Draco was now sitting across from me, "You went to meet a dangerous wanted criminal! Alone!" his voice was getting louder but softened when he saw me, "Scar, why didn't you tell someone, what if something happened?"

I sat against my headboard and continued, "I know I'm sorry but the thing is he asked me to meet him, said he had information for me. So after you guys all went to bed last night I left but he wasn't there. He never came. I went to the front entrance and waited, I even had the dementors leave because I know how they can affect people. But that's the thing after they left a black dog walked by but I didn't take any notice."

Draco came into realization, "Sirius Black was the black dog. Wasn't he?"

I nodded, "I believe so. And it was all my fault." I began to start hitting pillows and he just came and pulled me into him.


As the days went on, I was more alert and more on edge. Draco hadn't left my side, only at night and for personal leaves. We made our way through the halls and walked up the stairs towards Divination.

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