Gray drove and Monty insisted she sit up front. The restaurant was only moderately busy, so they were seated right away.

"Have you been here before?"

Gray and Monty looked at each other. "Once."

She let them order and the dishes filled the table as they ate family style. She liked food, but the men were foodies discussing each dish.

Their conversation migrated to the travel Monty's father expected him to do. He frowned as if defeated.

Sofia said, "Saying no is out of the question?"

"Says the girl who felt obligated to work in the kitchen for her sister."

"I concede. Although getting out of town could be good for you." He still wore his broken heart on his sleeve.

"I plan to travel. I don't like some of the destinations."

"Some of us aren't so well traveled."

Monty smiled. "That's it! It's perfect!"

Gray looked at him. "What?"

"Sofia needs a job and I have one for her." His caramel eyes twinkled when he spoke to her. "Do you want to work for me?"

"Doing what?"

"Traveling and reporting back."

"That's it."

"It's simple. Just don't tell anyone your purpose."

"So I fly in a plane to stay in hotels and eat in restaurants and you pay me?"

Monty nodded. "And your travel expenses." He turned to Gray. "We could put together a checklist for her." His eyes moved to hers. "You could write the first draft report and I would modify it. It would have to be a secret. My father can't know."

"What would I tell Mamá and Papi and Rosa?"

"That you're modeling?"

Gray laughed. "In Scranton. You're a travel companion."

"Or a personal assistant. You won't travel constantly. I might put you to work here."

Gray's eyes narrowed. Sofia suddenly felt unsure. "Doing what?"

Monty shrugged. "I don't know. It may evolve over time, but I could use someone to run errands. Stock the fridge before we return from overseas. Keep Gray out of the store."

She narrowed her eyes. "Would this be a sympathy job?"

"Absolutely not! I'm not going to Tulsa or Grand Rapids or any of those other places."

"Where are you going next?"

"France. It's too cold for nude beaches, but we'll fill our time. What do you say?"

She bit her lip. "Could we do a trial?"

"Sure. Gray, will you work with her on reservations? She'll need a credit card. We can meet in two days to discuss the checklist. We'll go to dinner."

"Are you doing one of those things if you talk about business you can deduct the meal?"

Monty laughed. "Something like that."

Sofia was surprised when Gray pulled his credit card out for dinner. After Gray paid the check, he handed the receipt to Monty.

When she returned home, her Mamá was awake.

"Your sister is very worried."

"I'm fine."

"Who is this boy?"

She smiled. The two she was with were far from being boys. Jace was questionable. "He's nobody serious."

Her mother shook her head in disapproval. "Papi thinks you were with a friend, doing girl things."

"Okay, Mami." She thought about her job. Should she say something? "I'm looking for a new job, not modeling."

"I can ask my supervisor."

She shook her head. "I'm going to try something else."


"Maybe." She wasn't convinced about Monty's idea. Maybe she could be an assistant. She had computer skills.

"Rosa says Miss. Bea was very happy. She would like you to watch the bebé whenever she hosts parties."

She would need to talk to Monty. Her schedule could work, because many parties Monty would attend. It reminded her of him behind her at the door and again in his workout clothes. If he wanted a thing like she had with Jace, she would have a hard time saying no. Her body responded to her thoughts. She was definitely in lust with the sad man who could soon be her boss.

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