"Come wait for her."

What shocked Monty was he led her to his study. No guest ever went to his study, and definitely not a woman.

The house had thick walls, but the duct system acted as a speaker system. He snuck into the bedroom above the study. The heat fed through the ceiling on the first floor and the floorboards on the second. He listened to disgusting words and noises. Of every thing he heard he would never forget one question and answer.

The woman asked. "Is your son the reason you won't divorce her?"

His father's voice was cold. "No. The boy fulfilled the need for an heir, nothing more. As for this, don't confuse it with feelings."

As Aidan's mother scurried off with the baby, he felt raw from the past haunting him, but he focused of the scared girl in front of him.

"Tell me about this blackmail."

She sighed. "I've been working for a photographer. I let it slip I knew Sage. I wear her old dresses."

Monty nodded. She must look stunning in a designer dress. "Go on."

"I posed recently with a model who I've been seeing. We were in underwear. When we were left alone, we... um..."

"I get it. What's he got nudes?"

She shook her head. "Not even, but he doctored the photos with Sage's husband's picture. He wants half a million or he'll send them to her. He has a video too."

"So he is threatening Sage's happiness? Hell no!" His voice raised. He loved Bea and Sage was part of his past. She didn't respect him, but she had been kind to the boy.

He didn't even think about it. "I need the photos, the guy's name, and how to find him."

"They're in my car. I couldn't leave them. I live with my parents."

He nodded. Once she told him how to recognize her car, he mumbled for her not to worry. He walked through the house and didn't stop to vape, but went right to the old beat up Ford she described. He looked at the letter and the photos. The guy was a stupid amateur. How was she supposed to get Petersen's money without showing the pictures? They were a top quality edit, but obviously fake. Damn, her body was hot as hell.

He took the envelope to Gray. "I've got a job for you. If you need backup, I'll go along."

Gray looked at the photos. "Is she my payment?"

He shook his head. "She's seeing the pretty boy."

"I'll handle it. You need to stay here and keep your rich boy hands clean. If I'm not back for you, take an Uber home."

"Keep me informed. You'll get a bonus for this."

He had never asked Gray to do an errand before. Although his friend had offered to beat up many individuals starting with Montgomery, the only one he had ever laid hands on was Monty.

He returned to Sofia. "My guy will take care of it."

"Your guy?"

"My chauffeur. I'll let you know when it's over."


"I'm always serious."

"You mean like Julio?"

He smirked and shook his head. "He's nothing like Julio."

Petersen's guy was built like a gardener, but Gray was a tank. Gray intimidated grown men when he smiled. He wouldn't be smiling.

He walked away to torture himself. As soon as he entered the ballroom, his mother crossed the room.

"Where have you been?"


She frowned. He didn't try to disappoint her, but it came naturally to him.

"How about a dance?"

He smiled and reached for her hand. Scanning the room, he assumed his father was boring some poor fool with talk of business. His eyes landed on the one couple he didn't want to see. The way the ballplayer looked into her eyes only confirmed he loved her. Averting his eyes, he looked down.

"You haven't looked at your feet since you were ten."

Naturally, without trying. "Sorry." He sounded ten. When the song ended, he thanked his mother and escorted her to the side where her friends were gathered.

Trey had been dancing with his own mother and did the same. He smiled at Monty. "Have you danced with my wife tonight?"

"No. I've been avoiding the dance floor."

Trey scanned the dancing couples. "They are a handsome couple. You're a better dancer."

"I can't hit a ball. Can I ask you a question?" Trey nodded as they naturally drifted away from the mothers. "Do you really refuse to divorce her?"

Trey laughed. "Don't you know not to believe lawyers? She loves being a Hayes."

As if Jessica knew they were talking about her, she appeared. "What are my favorite boys talking about?"

Trey replied. "Football." She groaned, and he winked as his wife pulled him onto the dance floor.

Monty stood alone looking at his phone willing an update from Gray, but not enough time had passed. He would rather have gone with him. As the saying went anywhere but here. He meant it when he eyed his father walking his way.

"I expect you in my office to discuss business on the second."

"Fine. I'll be there."

He hadn't decided, but it was easier to agree. He shifted his feet uncomfortably when Sloane appeared.

"Montgomery, I wanted to update you on a few things."

She winked at him as she captured his father's attention so he could escape.

How would he ever stop loving her?

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