V16 - Chapter 198 Prisoners

Start from the beginning

Willington was extra nice with the Adventurers, stating to the Guild that he wants to find a way to work together. He accepted everything the Guild wanted, even allowing one of their best Adventurers Party into Alnus for work. It was a ploy.

To take an American saying, 'the Adventurers shot themselves in the boot.' Willington knew they would not be able to adjust to modern society but he kept that to himself. He wanted to let Karther Party to prove that point, that they are a relic and fold into the pages of history. He let them fail on their own to prove that point.

With the Imperial Senators, Pina knows what his real intent is. He wants her to show them around Alnus so they can see with their own eyes how different and 'better' Alnus is under American control. He wants them to see all the nation's flags by the Gate, representing a united force. All the technology, hardware, and most important, peace between all the races.

While not perfect, it has worked better than she expected. It helps that there is a massive military base next door, and most importantly, they all know they have a good situation here, and no one wants to get deported.

And that is why Willington wants them to see Alnus. To show the senators that the Western way works better. Different groups can corporate, all the technology, how clean and heavy everyone is.

As the group moves through the streets, they pass three women, one Neko, Human, and Bunny, giggling about their kids.

"How can people associate with beasts like this?" Senator Caelus Aebutus asked.

Pina listens as some senators make degrading comments about the three women. This has not been the first time as they've been making sexist and degrading comments about many groups they seen. She has almost forgotten how different Sadera was. She glances to Bozes and Hamilton and sees the same reaction.

"I cannot believe the drama they are puking," Bozes whispered.

"I know," Pina replied. "Remember, we acted the same when we first came here. Now I know how Sharpe felt when we first met."

"You cannot blame them," Casel El Tiberius said. "They are not used to this."

Tiberius, one of the few Senators Pina still respects walked up behind her. He always represented the old ways, wanting to bring the Empire back to a Republic and supported Colt Formal views of the world. "I know but they could be more respectful. If it wasn't for the fact that my Knights are escorting you, all these people probably would kill you all," Pina states as a lot of demi-human's in Alnus actually look at the Pro-Peace senators with contempt and disgust.

"Your Nobility status means nothing to these people," Hamilton states.

"I understand, but they don't, I had time to speak with your CIA about Alnus in advance," Tiberius said. He looks around. "This place is vastly different. The CIA tried to describe this place to Kaeso and me, but I just couldn't picture it."

Pina could not help but chuckle. When they first arrived, she showed them their quarters. When she turned on the lights, all of them panicked. She explained how electricity worked and that it was not dark magic. Even then, she had to get them candles because they were too scared to flip the switch.

"What is all this?" Gnaeus Dussie asked. Some Senators go to a window, looking inside. Some bang on the glass, shocked.

Hamilton looks at the Senators. "That is a hardware store. They sell basic tools from Earth." She then goes into details.

"So, this is your marketplace?" Dussie asked. "Besides bringing food and guards no servants have been provided. I assume we must buy our own. Seriously, where is the slave market? We wish to purchase so our needs can be settled. We hate to be bothersome guests. These people must have some form of slaves since they cannot build and maintain this marvelous town and all the infrastructure without slaves. I am still not believe that they are against slavery no matter how much they say. It is propaganda just to make the Empire look bad."

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